
The company would like your help in making a recommendation

Last updated: 8/17/2023

The company would like your help in making a recommendation

The company would like your help in making a recommendation on the ideal mean setting that should be set for each vending machine so that the cups do not overflow or underfill Based on your findings from Part 1 decide a mean setting and a standard deviation you would recommend for the company Remember each cup holds 8 ounces The company would like to reduce the variability and keep the standard deviation low to ensure that most of the cups are not overflowing or underfilling Provide appropriate graphical and numerical evidence to support your recommendation Mean 8 23 Deviation 47 Part 3 Extra Practice stool The company wanted to compare two vending machine reports as part of a quality control check Use the data in Attachment B tab 2 to compare with the first vending machine in Attachment A Remember each cup holds 8 ounces Find the mean and standard deviation of the 2nd vending machine and compare it to the first machine How does 95 of the data for machine A compare with 95 of the data from machine B Which machine is more accurate in your opinion Why