
The following data represent the weight in grams of a random

Last updated: 6/29/2023

The following data represent the weight in grams of a random

The following data represent the weight in grams of a random sample of 13 medicine tablets Find the five number 0 599 0 600 0 598 0 599 summary and construct a boxplot for the data Comment on the shape of the distribution 0 600 0 602 0 604 0 600 0 598 0 611 0 604 0 601 0 606 TTTT 0 6 0 61 0 6 0 61 Choose the correct description of the shape of the distribution OA The distribution is roughly symmetrical OB The distribution is skewed to the right OC The distribution is skewed to the left D The shape of the distribution cannot be determined from the boxplot G 0 6 0 61