The table compares ribosomal RNA rRNA sequences of two
Last updated: 11/10/2023

The table compares ribosomal RNA rRNA sequences of two organisms from each of the thre domains by showing an association coefficient The more similar the rRNA sequences of the organisms the larger the coefficient S cerevisiae S cerevisiae L minor E Coli B firmus M ruminantium M barkeri L minor E Coli 0 29 0 05 0 10 1 B firmus 0 08 0 06 0 25 A L minor and E coli are both eubacteria B S cerevisiae and M barkeri are in the same domain M ruminantium is an archaean therefore so is B firmus D E coli and B firmus are in the same domain M ruminantium 0 11 0 10 0 12 0 13 M barke 0 08 0 07 0 12 0 12 0 24