tists books His early work examines characteristic
Last updated: 3/31/2024

tists books His early work examines characteristic surrealist topics of sexual olence and unorthodox sexual practices He combined found images and text to voke a narrative sense but maintained an air of mystery that keeps viewers rom obtaining enough clues to know what is being conveyed Hugnet s La sep i me face du d Po mes d coupages The Seventh Side of the Die Poems and Cut out montages 1936 is a ninety page offset printing work of twenty chapters The itle echoes French symbolist poet St phane Mallarm s Un Coup de D s N Abolira Jamais le hasard A Throw of the Dice will Never Abolish Chance 1895 which combines free verse and unusual typographic layout whose cover Duchamp helped design Each unconventionally laid out page features poetry in a multitude of typefaces with some small appropriated images against a montage of found images and text The merging of images and text produces a suggestive serial narrative that contemplates interior pathologies based on the photographic evidence An erotic fantasy of male supremacy is established through installments revolving around a young girl s sexual life Bare breasted women appear in enigmatic situations featuring sadomasochist activities and positions of male conquest and control Hugnet s ordered montages contain an abundance of open white space and have a shared ancestry with Moholy Nagy s fotoplastiks The clarity of Hugnet s con structions can be even more disconcerting than Moholy Nagy s as what is actual This is a graded discussion 10 points possible Week 10 Discussion Post A Discussion Board Posts 25 total As a measure of your participation you will write 200 word minimum the readings as well as responding to at least one other post In these to see concrete examples where you critically reflect on the readings include citing specific photographs and photographers theoretical con between different readings ideas themes and or the author s own arge t