Visit an area within your vicinity Identify at least one
Last updated: 2/24/2024

Visit an area within your vicinity Identify at least one type of ecosystem and be able to explain ecosystem you have chosen Take a picture s or selfie of it 60 points Photo or Model of Student Ecosystem Content Vocabulary Poor 5pts did not accurately and neatly display model of ecosystem Organization 74 or fewer of concepts are described correctly demonstrating little knowledge of ecosystem terms and concepts Fair 10 pts Student displayed ecosystem below the expectations of the instructor lacking either neatness or accuracy 75 85 of concepts 85 94 are to described concepts correctly described demonstrating fair correctly knowledge of demonstrating ecosystem terms and concepts writer Organization and structure detract from the message of the Paragraphs are disjointed and lack transition of The thoughts The Organization and structure of the paper is not easy to follow Paragraph transitions need are unclear paper is inadequate excessive Good 15 pts Student somewhat displayed the ecosystem with accuracy and neatness paper is length inadequate excessive in length of are Excellent 20 pts Student exceeded the expectations of the instructor by accurately and neatly displaying the ecosystem model 95 100 of are concepts described correctly Score demonstrating high knowledge of good knowledge of ecosystem terms ecosystem terms and concepts and concepts Organization and structure of the paper is somewhat easy to follow Paragraphs contain transitions The paper s length is acceptable some Organization and structure of the paper are clear and easy to follow Paragraphs contain appropriate transitions The paper s length is appropriate for ideas expressed TOTAL