We know how by neglecting the air resistance the problems of
Last updated: 6/12/2023

We know how by neglecting the air resistance the problems of projectile motion can be easily solved and analysed Now we consider the case of the collision of a ball with a wall In this case the problem of collision can be simplified by considering the case of elastic collision only When a ball collides with a wall we can divide its velocity into two components one perpendicular to the wall and other parallel to the wall If the collision is elastic then the perpendicular component of velocity of the ball gets reversed with the same magnitude Vcose Vcose 0 i Velocity just before collision Vsine Vsine Components of velocity Components of velocity just before collision just after collision The other parallel component of velocity will remain constant if given wall is smooth Now let us take a problem Three balls A and B C are projected from ground with same speed at same angle with the horizontal The balls A B and C collide with the wall during their flight in air and all three collide perpendicularly with the wall as shown in figure 18 Which of the following relation about the maximum height H of the three balls from the ground during their motion in air is correct 1 HA Hc HB 2 HA HB Hc 3 HA HC HB 4 HA HB Hc