webassign net y S 1 8 al y 4x JS Secti 1 4 1 y 8 UGD VG 1 4
Last updated: 11/15/2023

webassign net y S 1 8 al y 4x JS Secti 1 4 1 y 8 UGD VG 1 4 1 U So one possible answer to the question is to say that the true area lies somewhere between 1 0937500 and 1 5937500 X a Using left endpoints b Using right endpoints By computing the sum of these areas of the smaller rectangles Ls and the sum of the areas of the larger rectangles Rs we obtain better lower and upper estimates for A 1 0937500 A 1 5937500 We could obtain better estimates by increasing the number of strips The table at the left shows the results of similar calculations with a computer using n rectangles whose heights are found with left endpoints L or right endpoints Rn In particular we see by using 50 strips that the area lies between 1 2936 and 1 3736 With 1000 strips we narrow it down even more A lies between 1 3313340 and 1 3353340 A good estimate is obtained by averaging these numbers A