What is the evidence that a large fraction of the matter in
Last updated: 6/10/2023

What is the evidence that a large fraction of the matter in the universe is invisible Choose 4 DA Stars and clusters orbit the centers of their host galaxies faster than they would if only visible matter made up most the mass All galaxies on average show a redshift proportional to their distance Mass bends light and the amount of mass in a foreground cluster can be measured by the lensing effect it has on background light sources The CMB shows a dipole pattern Galaxy clusters emit copious X rays best explained by fast motion of gas particles under the influence of gravity much stronger than just the luminous matter can supply The amount of mass can be measured by assuming hydrostatic equilibrium Galaxies in clusters move much faster than can be explained by the gravity from the luminous matter only Measurements of distant type la supernovae show that they are dimmer than would be expected