What is ystem Write the for further information and
Last updated: 3/9/2024

What is ystem Write the for further information and explanation cach other s work Refer back to the text answers with your lab partner short paragraph in your 2 What questions do you still have about the chapter Write your questions in your notebook VI CHAPTER EVALUATION EXERCISE tional fold Bilobed 4 Which sonographic finding is associated with the presence of stones in the ductal system Use a fresh sheet of notebook paper Based on your work with the chapter and its accompanying laboratory assign ments identify three concepts you believe are the most important You may draw from any of the assignments you have already completed in the previous pages includ ing learning objectives anatomy and physiology images or chapter subheadings Include a detailed rationale in your answers Answer the questions below Refer to page 370 for the answers Multiple Choice a Cholelithiasis b Choledocholithiasis e Nephrocalcinosis 4 Sludge 5 Which clinical indication presents as yellowish skin a Jaundice 1 Which maximum measurement is noted for a bile filled gallbladder a 12 cm b 5 cm c 9 cm d 15 cm b Cyanosis c Pallor d Erythema 6 Which imaging test is used to assess the function of the gallbladder a HIDA scan b CT scan c OCG d ERCP 7 Which term best characterizes the widest portion of the gallbladder 2 Which aspect of the common duct is considered the common bile duct a Proximal b Superior c Distal d Anterior a Neck b Body c Tail d Fundus 8 Which group of terms is associated with an extrahepatic portal triad Which congenital sonographic finding can appear similar to an hourglass a Duplicated gallbladder a Right portal vein common bile duct and cystic artery b Main portal vein proper hepatic artery and com mon bile duct c Left portal vein left hepatic artery and comm bile duct d Main portal vein common hepatic duct and m hepatic artery 9 Which sonographic feature best characterizes a ledochal cyst a Outpouching of the gallbladder neck b Dilatation of the common bile duct c Pedunculated areas around the gallbladde d Dilatation of the cystic duct 10 Which muscle sheath regulates the flow o the duodenum a Ampulla of Vater b Rectus abdominis muscle c Sphincter of Oddi d Pylorus