
Women s Median dollars per yea 50000 45000 40000 35000 30000

Last updated: 5/1/2023

Women s Median dollars per yea 50000 45000 40000 35000 30000

Women s Median dollars per yea 50000 45000 40000 35000 30000 3 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 Men s Median Pay dollars per year b Use the regression equation above the graph to get a more precise estimate of the median pay for women in a state that has a median pay for men of 60 000 4 32 Home Prices and Areas of Four Bedroom Homes a Using the graph estimate the predicted price for a home with 3000 square feet b Use the equation to predict the price for a home with 3900 square feet CHAPTER 4 To do parts a c assume that the The regression equation is 5 67 0 998 X and height is linear a Report the regression equation using the words Height and Armspan not x and x employing the output given b Verify the slope by using the formula br c Verify the y intercept using a 3 bi d Using the regression equation predict the armspan in centimeters for someone 64 inches tall 4 34 Hand and Foot Length for Women The computer out put shown below is for predicting foot length from hand length in cm for a group of women Assume the trend is linear Summary statistics for the data are shown in the table below Hand x Foot y Mean 17 682 23 318 Standard Deviation REGRESSION ANALYSIS EXPLORING ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN VARIABLES y a bx E HORMAL FLOART AUTO REAL RADIAN HP 0 LinReg 1 168 1 230