You have a triglyceride in which the fatty acids are all
Last updated: 11/15/2023

You have a triglyceride in which the fatty acids are all saturated and each fatty acid is composed of 20 carbon atoms Assuming complete oxidation of the triglyceride which of the following is a good approximation of the amount of ATP produced For convinence we will assume that every NADH H enriches the Proton Motive force enouch to produce 3 ATP while every QH2 FADH2 from Succinate Dehydrogenase produces 2 ATP 56 950 530 495 Fatty acyl CoA A HHO CH CH C C C SCOA a HH acyl CoA dehydrogenase enoyl CoA hydratase 3 L hydroxyacyl CoA 0 Trans A2 enoyl CoA CH CH C C C SCOA 3 L hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase B ketothiolase HHO CH CH C C C SCOA 11 OH H 0 11 CH3 CH C SCOA Fatty acyl CoA B ketoacyl CoA CH3 CH2 C C C FADH H FAD OHO H O NAD NADH H SCOA HSCOA 0 H C C SCOA Acetyl CoA