yze the graph read the information below and answer the two
Last updated: 5/15/2023

yze the graph read the information below and answer the two questions 1 What do these two climate models project to happen to average daily max temperatures in Baltimore over the next 80 years 2 Why does the graph include a pink or blue color range for future years rather than only showing the red and blue lines Average Daily Max Temperature for Baltimore MD Graph using Climate Explorer Tool Average Daily Max Trap F 9822228830 1950 1955 1060 1965 1970 1975 1980 1565 1950 1955 2007 2005 2010 2016 2023 2025 2050 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 2065 2070 2075 2080 2095 2000 READING THE LOCAL CLIMATE CHARTS Historical Observed PALJA Observed annual avernges shown na the difference from the long term average for the late 1900s The Historical Modeled Range of climate mode output for historical period 1950 2006 Also called hindcasts or simulations Lower Emissions Range of climate model projections for 2006 2100 if global emissions of heal trapping gases are stabilized by 2010 and thon dramatini dood Higher Emissions Range of climate model projections for 2006 2100 assuming global emissions of heat trapping gases sing throun 2100