Physics Questions
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Work, power & energyMichael Jackson is pulling an object 6 0 m on a ground by using a string that is inclined with the horizontal The string sustains a tensile force of 42 N and the work done by the force applied by Mr Jackson is 240 J If Mr Jackson wants to know the angle of inclination of the string what would it be 20 degrees 28 degrees 30 degrees 18 degrees

Simple harmonic motiondepicts two circular motions The radius ligure given below of the circle the period of revolution the initial position and the sense of revolution are indicated in the figures Obtain the simple harmonic motions of the x projection of the radius vector of the rotating particle P in each case y T 4s y A 0 45 P t 0 X P t 0 B 0 T 30 s X

Basic Physicsand all respe allg 1 alg 5 3 alg all The diameter of aperture of a plano convex lens is 6 cm and its maximum thickness is 3 mm If the velocity of light in the material of the lens is 2 108 m s its focal length is approximately 1 10 cm 2 15 cm 3 30 cm 4 60 cm Two plano convex lenses of equal focal lengths are arranged as shown 2 alg all 4 Hg 2

ThermodynamicsA mixture of gases contains 3 moles of oxygen and 2 moles of hydrogen at NTP The partial pressure of oxygen in the mixture will be 0 1 atm 1 atm 0 6 atm 0 4 atm

Transmission of heat23 A body of length 1 m having cross sectional area 0 75 m has heat flow through it at the rate of 6000 J s The difference between two ends of conductor if K 200 J m K 1 is 40 C 100 C 1 20 C 3 80 C 2 4 onductivities 2

KinematicsA 300 m c 500 m C a 400 m B 23 Two bikers simultaneously start a race with constant speeds from point A to traverse a triangular track ABC one clockwise and the other in anticlockwise sense They simultaneously cross at B first time after a time interval At 4 min If they continue the race how long after they cross at B first time will they again simultaneously cross at B

Circular Motion5 A simple pendulum is constructed by attaching a bob of mass m to a string of length L fixed at its upper end The bob oscillates in a vertical circle It is found that the speed of the bob is v when the string makes an angle e with the vertical Find the tension in the string at this instant

AC CircuitsTake g 10 m s a 0 b 30 d 90 A fully charged capacitor C with initial charge o is connected to a coil of self inductance L at t 0 The time at which the energy is stored equally between the electric and the magnetic field is a LC JIC b d 2n IC NLC ectrum the one

Electric Field and Potential111 A series LCR circuit has resonant tangular frequency oo and a large quality factor Q The approximate form for its impedance at high ble frequencies in terms of R 6 Q and wo here is the angular frequency of of ac source and j 1 and R is not very high 1 Z R 1952 Q Rw 2 Z 3 2 3 Z 4 Z VEGEDT 8 QRwo 5 QRw Est

Newton's law of motionTwo long current carrying thin wires both with current I are held by insulating threads of length L and are in equilibrium as shown in the figure with threads making an angle 0 with the vertical If wires have mass per unit length then the value of I is g gravitational acceleration a 2 ngL PO c sin 0 Owl tan 0 n gL Vui Po cos 0 Tom b L n gL V Mo d 2 sin 0 tan 0 n gL Ho cos 0 11

Basic PhysicsThere are two wire of same material and same length while the diameter of second wire is two times the diameter of first wire then the ratio of extension produced in the wires by applying same load will be 2020 a 1 1 b 2 1 c 1 2 d 4 1

ThermodynamicsThe closed cylinder shown in figure has a freely moving piston separating chambers 1 and 2 Chamber 1 contains 25 mg of N gas and chamber 2 contains 40 mg of helium gas When equilibrium is established what will be the ratio L L What is the ratio of the number of moles of N to the number of moles of He Molecular weights of N and He are 28 and 4 28 n 0 025 28 m Piston 0 04 4 8 93 10 4 2 L2 m1 0 089 M 0 01 rts a pressure of In equilibrium p and T are same PV nRT V on or Lon

RotationThis section contains 35 SINGLE CORRECT TYPE questions Each question has 4 Read More The following bodies have same mass and radius The body with less moment of inertia about geometric axis is O Solid sphere Phy Section A O Hollow sphere O Disc

RotationA thin circular ring of mass M and radius R is rotating in a horizontal plane about an axis vertical to its plane with a constant angular velocity o If two objects each of mass m be attached gently to the opposite ends of a diameter of the ring the ring will then rotate with an angular velocity AIPMT 2010 1 3 M M m M M 2m 2 4 M 2m M 2m M 2m M

Basic Physicsparallel currents are directed so that one is out of the page and the other is into the page Compare the magnitude of the magnetic field B at any arbitrary uidistant from the wires to the magnitude of the field B at that point from one wire alone

Basic Physicsa If the A Magnitude C Magnitude as well as direction D Neither magnitude nor direction Given C A B Also the magnitude of A B and Care 12 5 and 13 units respectively The angle between A and B is R C 2 D T

Newton's law of motionwith angle of inclination 8 Various values of 0 are given in Column I The coefficient of friction between the 1 kg another mass m 2 kg are placed together see figure on an inclined plane block m and the plane is always zero The coefficient of static and dynamic friction between the block m and the plane are equal to 0 3 In Column Il expressions for the friction on block m are given Match the correct expression of the friction in Column II with the angles given in Column I and choose the correct option The acceleration due to gravity is denoted by g Useful information tan 5 5 0 1 tan 11 5 0 2 tan 16 5 0 3 A 5 B 0 10 C 8 15 D 8 20 Code A 1 P Mi Column I B P C p D r m m Column II p m g sine q m m g sine r m g cose s m m g cose

Electric Field and PotentialTest 1 Online 13 It is observed that as one moves along positive x axis the electrostatic potential reduces One may conclude that the direction of electric field 1 Must be along x axis 2 Must be perpendicular to x axis 3 May be perpendicular to x axis 4 May be along x axis 14 A parallel plate capacitor has a uniform electric field E in space between the plates If the distance between the plates is d and area of the plate is A the energy stored in the capacitor is 1 EAd 3 E Ad 4 E 15 A capacitor of capacitance C is charged upto 90 V and then connected to an uncharged capacitor of capacitance 2C The final potential difference across each capacitor will be 1 45 V 3 90 V 16 In a certain region potential is given by V K 2xy The electric field at 1 1 has magnitude 1 2 k 2 2 2 k Medical 3 k 2 1 2 30 V 4 60 V 17 The variation of electrostatic potential as a function of distance from a point charge is best represented by X 12 ITutor All India Aakash Test Series for NEET 2021 18 On an insulated rod of length charge Q is uniformly distributed and a point charge q is placed at a distance d from one of its ends as shown The electric force on q is Q 2 3 K qQ 4d d c 9Q 4 9Q n Foundations 4TE X d Divisions of ash A4 C charge is placed in some gaussian surface such that outward flux is 6 What additional charge is needed to be placed inside the surface such that there is net inward flux of magnitude 66 1 6 C 2 14 C 3 28 C 4 10 C 20 When a polythene is rubbed with wool it develops a charge 3 2 x 10 7 C The number of electrons transferred is 1 2 10 3 10 d X 2 8 x 10 0 4 2 x 10 2

Current Electricity27 In the following circuit the current through the resistor R 2 2 is amperes The value of Iis JEE Adv 2015 Pap R 292 www 6 5 VT 6 92 1292 www 192 www www 252 89 www 492 www www 1092 292 wwww 492

Basic PhysicsA rod is free to rotate in horizontal plane about one of its end hinged at point O as shown in figure Point P Q are fixed points located in horizontal plane in such away that PO is perpendicular to rod QO is along length of rod A bullet hits the rod perpendicularly at some distance from point O and gets imbedded into it Then P C O A Linear momentum of rod bullet system will decrease after collision B Linear momentum of rod bullet system may increase Angular momentum of rod bullet system about point P will not change before after collision D Angular momentum of rod bullet system about O may increase after collision

Basic PhysicsTwo beads of mass m are initially at rest at the top of a frictionless hoop of mass M and radius R which stands vertically on the ground The beads are given tiny kicks and they slide down the hoop one of the right and one to the left as shown in figure What is the largest value of m M for which the hoop never rises up off the ground If your answer is a fill 2a in OMR m m M

CapacitorsA parallel plate capacitor has a charge magnitude of 80 nC on either plate a plate separation of 0 50 mm and a uniform electric field of magnitude 3000 volts m What is the potential energy stored in the capacitor O a 40 n Ob 30 nj O 60 nj Od 70 nj 0 50 nj

Newton's law of motion20 N 1 0 kg Figure 5 ES 5 Consider the situation shown in figure 5 E9 All the surfaces are frictionless and the string and the pulley are light Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the two blocks 0 98 N 1 F 3m 5m Figure 5 E9 m 4 m A constant force F m g 2 is applied on the block of mass m as shown in figure 5 E10 The string and the pulley are light and the surface of the table is smooth Find the acceleration of m Figure 5 E10 M F 1 0 kg 32 N Figure 5 E11 m 27 In figure 5 E11 m 5 kg m 2 kg and F 1 N Find the acceleration of either block Describe the motion of m if the string breaks but F continues to act Mag mitm 4 3 28 Let m 1 kg m 2 kg and m 3 kg in figure 5 E12 Find the accelerations of m m and m The string from the upper pulley to m is 20 cm when the system is released from rest How long will it take before m strikes the pulley 20cm m 29 In the previous problem suppose m 20 kg and m 30 kg What should be the mass m so that it remains at rest 2 M Figure 5 E12 30 Calculate the tension in the string shown in figure 5 E13 The pulley and the string are light and all surfaces are frictionless Take g 10 m s M 1 kg Figure 5 E13 31 Consider the situation shown in figure 5 E14 Both the pulleys and the string are light and all the surfaces are frictionless a Find the acceleration of the mass M b Find the tension in the string c Calculate the force exerted by the clamp on the pulley A in the figure B O Figure 5 E14 30 1 kg Figure 5 E15 MO 32 Find the acceleration of the block of mass M in the situation shown in figure 5 E15 All the surfaces are frictionless and the pulleys and the string are light 9 3 5N 2 M 29 13 Mg 13 2 Mg 3

Capacitors2 Let C be the capacitance of a capacitor discharging through a resistor R Suppose t is the time taken for the energy stored in the capacitor to reduce to half its initial value and t2 is the time taken for the charge to reduce to one fourth its initial value Then the ratio will be

Circular MotionTwo discs of same moment of inertia rotating about their regular axis passing through centre and perpendicular to the plane of disc with angular velocities 01 and 02 They are brought into contact face to face coinciding the axis of rotation The expression for loss of energy during this process is 1 1 01 002 3 01 0 8 2 1 01 02 4 1 0

Basic PhysicsKepler s second law regarding constancy of areal velocity of a planet is a consequence of the law of conservation of 2019 a Energy b Angular momentum c Linear momentum d None of these

X-RaysA nucleus of mass number 220 initially at rest emits an a particle If the Q value of the reaction is 5 5 MeV the energy of the emitted a particle will be 1 4 8 MeV 2 5 4 MeV 3 7 5 MeV 4 6 8 MeV An open container has net 10 gm mass of a radioactive material The net mass in the container after two mean lives is approximately 1 1 35 gm 2 2 5 gm

Basic PhysicsTwo block are connected by a string and A is pulled by a force F 50N If coefficient of friction between the blocks and the ground is 0 2 friction force between the block B and the ground is the string is just slack initially 6 30 A R 30 N B 20kg A 30kg C 40 N F D zero

Geometrical Opticsis the actual inclination of the rod Ans 376 11 A convex mirror of radius of curvature 0 48 m is placed with its axis vertical at the bottom of a beaker Water is then poured into the beaker upto a height of 0 12 m A pin is fixed on the axis of the mirror 0 09 m above the surface of water Find i the position with respect to the pole of the mirror of the image of the pin formed by reflection in the mirror and ii the apparent position of this image with respect to the water surface as seen from above Given the R I of water 4 3 Ans i 0 12 m below the pole of the mirror ii 0 18 m below the water surface

Current ElectricityA current loop in a magnetic field 1 can be in equilibrium in one orientation can be in equilibrium in two orientations both the equilibrium states are unstable 3 can be in equilibrium in two orientations one stable while the other is unstable 4 experiences a torque whether the field is uniform or non uniform in all orientations NEET 20

Sound Waves110 N A 43 m long rope of mass 5 kg joins two rock climbers One climber strikes the rope and the second feels the pulse effect 1 4 second later The tension in rope is nearly 135 N 70 N hr 32 N mi

Center of mass and momentumA mass of 2 9 kg is suspended from a string of length 50cm and is rest Another body of mass 100g which is moving horizontally with a velocity of 150 m s strikes it After striking the two bodies combine together Tension in the string when it is an angle of 60 with the vertical is g 10m s 2 9 kg 50cm deman f 100g 150 m sed eu sud zaua tah ar zini aegu en uf c cala 60 g 10m s A 135N B 125N C 140N D 90N

Geometrical Optics58 Two optical media of refractive indices and contain x and y number of waves in the same thickness Their relative refractive index equal to 1 xy 3 X y 2 4 y X y x X M2 is

Kinematics1 10 20 10 the position of the other balls in metre height will be 2 15 20 15 3 5 51 20 4 5 10 20 A ball is dropped from a height of 20 m and rebounds with a velocity which is 3 4th of the velocity with which hits the ground What is the time interval between the first and second bounces g 10 m s d sec 2 4 sec 3 5 sec 4 6 sec A particle is thrown upwards from aro

Thermodynamics59 Which of the following is not thermodynamical function a Enthalpy c Gibb s energy b Work done d Internal energy 1993

Center of mass and momentumCenter of Mass 21 A sphere of mass m 2kg collides with a sphere of mass m 3kg which is at rest Mass m will move at right angle to the line joining centres at the time of collision if the coefficient of restitution is B 1 1 2 A 9 C 2 3 D 2 WIN

Geometrical Optics49 Which of the following produces a virtual image 1 lens camera 2 cinema projector 3 simple microscope 4 slide projector

Center of mass and momentum2 If a particle moves along a straight line whose equation is y mx then what will be its angular momen about the origin Explain your answer which are meshed together have radii of 9 50 cm and 0 15 cm The number of revolut

KinematicsAnswer the following questions acceleration 1 Define 2 When is the acceleration of a body negative

Work, power & energyThe loss of kinetic energy The loss of kinetic energ due to the first impact mv 1 m ev mv 1 e m 2gh 1 e mgh 1 e

Work, power & energyration 14 In a ballistics demonstration a police officer fires a bullet of mass 50 0 g with a speed of 200 m s on soft plywood of thickness 2 00 cm The bullet emerges with only 10 of its initial kinetic energy What is the emergent speed of the bullet

Newton's law of motion8 A body is dropped from a certain height h h is very large and second body is thrown downward with velocity of 5 m s simultaneously What will be difference in heights of the two bodies after 3 s 2 10 m 4 20 m 3 15 m

Capacitors30 The switch S shown in figure 32 E35 is kept closed for a long time and is then opened at t 0 Find the current in the middle 10 Q2 resistor at t 1 0 ms 12 VI 25 25 F www 10 Q 10 22 Figure 22 1725

Basic Physics7 A particle is moving along a vertical circle of radius R The velocity of particle at P will be assume critical condition at C 1 3 7 59R 3gR D R A 37 B 2 2gR 3 4 gR

Kinematics24 On a straight section of a highway sensors are installed to measure traffic density For each lane of the highway a sensor runs on an overhead wire On a particular day a sensor running with a speed u 5 km h opposite to the flow of traffic underneath counts N 360 vehicles in a length L 1 km of the highway If all the vehicles are moving with the same constant speed v 40 km h and density of the vehicles is uniform calculate number of vehicles per l 100 m of the lane 05 A trai

FluidsCalculate the life time of a soap bubble of radius R connected with the atmosphere through a capillary of length 1 and radius r The surface tension is S and coefficient of viscosity of air is n c a 6 R c 4 b 2n R4 Sr Sp 4 Sr4 2n R4 d 65r4 MIRA

Basic Physics18 A horizontal disc of mass 1 0 kg mounted on a fixed vertical axle through its centre can rotate without friction On the disc a semicircular groove OP is cut A small ball B of mass 1 5 kg when pushed on the disc towards the centre O the ball enters the groove with a speed 2 0 m s and moves through the groove without friction With what speed will the ball leave the disc Neglect loss of mass due to cutting the groove Va 1 0 m s c 3 0 m s b 1 5 m s d Insufficient information O B P

Unit & DimensionsA car is moving at a constant speed of 40 km h along a straight road which heads towards a large vertical wall and makes a sharp 90 turn by the side of the wall A fly flying at a constant speed of 100 km h starts from the wall towards the car at an instant when the car is 20 km away flies until it reaches the glasspane of the car and returns to the wall at the same speed It continues to fly between the car and the wall till the car makes the 90 turn a What is the total distance the fly has travelled during this period b How many trips has it made between the car and the wall

Newton's law of motionTwo blocks A and B of same mass m attached with a light spring are suspended by a string as shown in figure Find the acceleration of block A and Bjust after the string is cut A g 0 C g g B B 2g g g 2 D g mg kx Fos B A C

KinematicsA ray of light enters a spherical liquid drop refractive index 3 from air at an angle of incidence 0 0 it suffers two internal reflections not TIR inside the drop and finally comes out of the drop If 0 0 is such that the deviation of the ray with respect to its original direction is minimum find the value of 12 sin 0