Biology Questions
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EvolutionA mule is an example of polyploidy but unlike many polyploid plants the mule is A less fit than P generation B larger than P generation C fertile D sterile

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationIn October 2019 after prolonged droughts around the country Australia experienced wide spread bushfires In Australia the summer of 2019 is known as the Black Summer and the bushfires were deemed one of the biggest natural disasters The extent of damage was an estimated 18 million hectares Which of the following best predicts the effect that the bushfires had on the biodiversity of ecosystems in Australia A B C D The biodiversity of ecosystems in Australia increased immediately after the bushfires due to the fires returning nutrients to the soil The biodiversity of ecosystems in Australia was so high that the bushfires did not affect biodiversity much The biodiversity of ecosystems in Australia was unaffected by the bushfires because most ecosystems do not contain much vegetation The biodiversity of ecosystems in Australia decreased due to many organisms dying be

The Living WorldSpallanzani s effort to refute abiogenesis failed as he let in which unbeknownst to him carried organisms A the vital force air B the vital force red humour C DNA D carbon dioxide

Human Health and DiseasesList the 4 stages of neutrophil extravasation at a site of injury when the neutrophil exits the capillary into the tissue Explain what is happening at each stage

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhat is the difference between a memorized presentation and an extemporaneous presentation Which one is more effective Why

Biotechnology & its ApplicationsWhat are the two serological tests that we used to test for COVID 19 PCR and ELISA ELISA and Microneutralization Microneutralization and rRT PCR

The Living WorldWhy do we use positive control in the reaction To use it as a benchmark result for the unknown test sample To test the efficiency of the PCR To test for viral RNA Both To use it as a benchmark result for the unknown test sample and To test the efficiency of th

Human Health and DiseasesAlthough the ELISA test is a powerful technique some of its disadvantages are the relatively long time to obtain a result and its inability to test for an active immune response against an infection True False

Molecular Basis of InheritanceWhat does real time mean in rRT PCR A relatively small amount of PCR product can be quantified All of these choices It can be used to screen for results in Real Time We can monitor the progress of a PCR while its running

Molecular Basis of InheritanceDescribe the genetic material of SARS CoV 2 O ds DNA ve sense ssRNA ve sense ssRNA 5 DNA Question 4 1 point Listen Why do we use no template control in the reaction To screen for CDNA To test for viral RNA To screen for any contamination in the reagents

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesWhat is an amplicon O Target ds DNA none of these ss DNA Target ss viral RNA

Ecology - EcosystemsWhat are the assay controls in this experiment Positive control negative control and no template control Internal control negative control No controls were used Positive control no template control Question 2 1 point Listen Which of the following is not a component of rRT PCR DNA probe virus particle Primers Reverse transcriptase

BiomoleculesWhich of the following is not a component of rRT PCR DNA probe virus particle Primers Reverse transcriptase Reaction Buffer

BiomoleculesWhy do we use no template control in the reaction To screen for cDNA To test for viral RNA To screen for any contamination in the reagents To screen for other nucleic acid in the reaction

Ecology - Environmental IssuesFluorescent signals from the reporter dye are number of amplicons that are generated Inversely proportional Indirectly proportional Cross wise proportional Directly proportional proportional to the

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhat is meant by the pandemic spread of SARS CoV 2 It spread through the ocean It spreads world wide It spreads only in a certain area It spreads only in one country

Biotechnology & its ApplicationsSerology testing is used to detect previous infection antibodies to SARS CoV 2 in people who may have been exposed to the virus True False Question 6 1 point Listen The purpose of doing Microneutralization assay is to confirm the positive result that is obtained by ELISA True

Cell: The Unit of LifeWhich serum sample contains antibodies that block infection Sample A Sample B A Neither OB Both

Human Health and Diseases3 Explain what is happening in this image Which type of immune response will this lead to humoral immunity or cell mediated immunity

The Living WorldIn ELISA the enzyme horseradish peroxidase HRP is bound to the region of the secondary antibody well of microtiter plate SARS CoV 2 antigen the tested sample

The Living WorldWhy is it necessary to wash the samples repeatedly in ELISA To enhance the interaction between antibody and antigen To remove any proteins or antibodies which are unbound To increase samples concentration To make the sample clean Question 6 1 point Listen An antibody is Are also called immunoglobulins or lgs Made up of variable domains and a constant domain Composed of glycoproteins All of the above Y shaped in antigens

Human Health and Diseasesbodies are unique and respond to a specific antigen Where does the antigen attach to the antibody structure The variable domains Fab The binding site the variable domains and the Fab The binding site Fc Question 8 1 point Listen Microneutralization is the gold standard but it is labor intensive and time consuming and requires at least 5 days to get results True

BiomoleculesHow many types of controls do you need to have in the Microneutralization Assay One Virus Control Two Sample Control and Virus Control Two Virus Control and Cell Control No controls are need

The Living WorldWhat is the purpose of the ELISA test for this lab To detect COVID 19 virus from serum in people who might have been infected To produce COVID 19 antibody from serum in people who have been infected To detect COVID 19 antibody from serum in people who might have been infected To isolate COVID 19 virus from serum in people who have been infected

EvolutionListen The best classification system is that which most closely a corroborates the classification scheme in use at the time of Charles Darwin b conforms to traditional Linnaean taxonomic practices c reflects evolutionary history d reflects the basic separation of prokaryotes from eukaryotes e unites organisms that possess similar morphologies

The Living WorldFill in the blank A colon indicates amino acid positions that have amino acids with A molecular properties

The Living WorldListen Their primary function of DNA topoisomerase is to cleave DNA strands in order to provide torsional stress relief or to untangle replicating DNA a True b False

The Living WorldWhich enzyme makes single strand breaks in DNA backbones a Exonuclease b Topoisomerase c Helicase d Ligase

The Living WorldTopoisomerase does which one of the following a Joins the ends of double stranded DNA molecules b Is required for making recombinant DNA molecules in vitro c Unties knots in DNA molecules d Makes new DNA strands

Biological ClassificationWhat is the role of topoisomerases in eukaryotic DNA replication a Topoisomerise enzymes cut uncoil and reseal the double stranded DNA b Topoisomerise enzymes bind to the origin of replication sites within double stranded DNA c Topoisomerise enzymes join the Okazaki fragments together with phosphodietster bonds d Topoisomerise enzymes open up the double stranded DNA at the replication fork

The Living WorldFill in the blank A period indicates amino acid positions that have amino acids with properties A molecular

Biological ClassificationFirst among asexually reproducing species what main mechanism produces genetic changes from one generation to the next and how does this mechanism do so Next describe in detail three main mechanisms that produce genetic diversity among sexually reproducing species placing emphasis on how two mechanisms in meiosis do so Lastly most eukaryotic organisms reproduce sexually What is a survival benefit s of this mode of reproduction

Biotechnology: Principles and Processeseen pr you com Practice Pedigrees mine the inheritance patern of each of the following pedigrees Then label the genotypes of each individual in the pedigrees

Molecular Basis of InheritanceDirections After identifying the amino acid sequences for your gene follow the model below to construct the resulting structure of each protein on your own sheet 1 Using graph paper provided start your sequence in the third box down and third box from the left 2 The original protein will be contained within the first sheet and the other three proteins should each be on their own sheets for comparison 3 Write the first three letters of the amino acids into the three boxes if space allows Where boxes may be too small shade the boxes in and label each amino acid next to that shape 4 Use the key on the following page to assemble each protein Once all 4 models have been drawn on your graph paper you can more easily determine where the shape of the protein has changed if at all Circle the point at which the shape first changed in each altered protein Answer the following questions based on your completed translated sequences What is an addition insertion What is a substitution What is a frameshift What is a silent mutation Of the four mutation types above which can cause one of the others Explain using evidence

BiomoleculesA Phosphate Group Lipid D Nonaqueous Cytosol Nonaqueous Aqueous Nonaqueous Environment Cytosol Environment B C Nonaqueous Cytosol Nonaqueous Environment Nonaqueous Cytosol E F Aqueous Nonaqueous Cytosol Environment Nonaqueous Environment Aqueous Cytosol Nonaqueous Environment Figure 1 Proposed models of hypothetical plasma membranes Each model represents a small portion of the hypothetical plasma membrane and illustrates the orientation of the phospholipids A student proposes six models of a hypothetical plasma membrane Figure 1 Identify the model that best represents the plasma membrane of a hypothetical cell that exists in a nonaqueous environment and whose cytosol is similar to that of an animal cell Provide TWO pieces of reasoning to support your identification AGE FOR ANSWERING QUESTION 8

Molecular Basis of InheritanceDNA mRNA OR 1 2 4 5 1 3 4 5 Ligand A Ligand B Protein Protein A Plasma Membrane Protein B Plasma Membrane Exon Intron 2nd Messenger Figure 1 Receptor proteins produced as a result of alternative splicing followed by activation of a second messenger 4 Cell signaling in eukaryotes is often dependent on receptor proteins located in the plasma membrane During the production of the mature mRNA molecules coding for these receptors pre mRNA molecules are processed to remove introns and to connect exons together The exons contain the sequences that code for proteins In certain instances different mature mRNA molecules can be formed from the same pre mRNA by alternative splicing which results in different protein sequences in the resulting polypeptides Figure 1 represents the expression of a gene with 5 exons that can be alternatively spliced to produce receptor protein A and receptor protein B a Explain how ligand A and ligand B can cause identical cellular responses in a cell b Predict the most likely effect of a two nucleotide deletion in the middle of the intron located between exc 4 and 5 on the structure of protein A Justify your prediction

Evolutiondraw and label a phylogenetic tree of these items door window chair table bed television sta envelope bookshelf sofa and notebook

Ecology - Ecosystemseach of the statements as DD for density dependent or DI as density independent 2pts each ch of the statements below involves a situation that will affect the growth of a population Classify C d e f g a b Rainbow smelt and yellow perch attempt to occupy the same area The more aggressive smelt survive the perch do not A severe flood brings a lot of sediment and dirt into the lake The turbidity of the lake increases greatly A drought decreases the water level in the lake The carrying capacity of the lake decreases Due to the introduction of rainbow smelt an invasive species the lake becomes too crowded and some species of fish do not survive Many fish die due to an increase in water temperature Parasites present in the lake are killing off fish in great numbers Since yellow perch migrate long distances to spawn many do not survive the trip

Ecology - EcosystemsWhat can be inferred from the following statement from the essay Society and Solitude by Ralph Waldo Emerson The solitary river was not solitary enough

Plant Physiology - TransportationHow many ATP NADH and FADH2 are generated by just the citric acid cycle

EvolutionLieben Students are creating a model that shows bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics through natural selection They decide to make different drawings and use the following key for their models normal bacterium resistant bacterium dead bacterium Which of the models below would show the final result of their model where the bacteria have become resistant to the antibiotic

Animal KingdomFigure 32 6 Animal skeletons The forelimb and hindlimb bones of these animals differ according to the locomotor functions of the limbs fernur fore metatarsals hindlimb tibia fibula tarsals c Cat Table 32 2 Comparison of Hindlimb to Forelimb Animal Frog Differences in Hindlimb and Forelimb Bones and Explanation Bird Cat Human

The Living World2 Read the question and sample response below Determine how many marks out of 4 you would award the response Remember origin purpose content value and limitation must be addressed Value and limitation must be connected to origin purpose or content at least once Use Source A above in your assessment of the response How many marks out of 4 would you award the response below With reference to its origin purpose and content evaluate the value and limitations of Source A above for a historian studying Japanese expansion and the international response on Japan s road to war The source is an excerpt from a book about the Manchurian Crisis by a historian It is valuable because il contains information about the Manchurian Crisis which was one of the reasons for Japan s expansion Because it is a secondary source it has loss value than a primary source

Ecology - Ecosystemscommensalism Small marine animals called barnacles often attach themselves to whales The barnacle benefits from the movement of the water full of food particles past their swimming hosts Although barnacles perform no known service to whales they don t harm them either Which number is true or false 1 The whale benefits the barnacle 2 The barnacle benefits the

Animal KingdomListen B Match the following pictures to the basic forms of bird wings V High speed wings 1 C Elliptical wings 2 D 3 B Passive soaring wings 4 A Active soaring wings C

Animal KingdomSelect which characteristics fit into the categories of Amniotes or early tetrapod ancestors more permeable skin more keratinized skin 1 Amniotes 2 Early tetrapod ancestor drawing air into lungs pushing air from cavities into lungs

Animal KingdomAOTD What advantage did subdividing the gas bladders into smaller sacs provide for tetrapods Reduced surface area for gas exchange Enhanced ability to breathe underwater Increased buoyancy Increased surface area for gas exchange

Biological ClassificationTable 1 TRIAL 1 Results Phenotype of worms worms eaten start worms left in grass worms after reproduction Forest 10 1 9 18 Turquoise 10 9 1 2 Kelly 10 0 ID Olive E 110 2 8 20 16

Molecular Basis of InheritanceVariations on Mendelian Inheritance Two gene cross blue eyes Select the crosses that would lead to only blue eyed progeny Choose all that apply Check All That Apply oohh x oohh