Biology Questions

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Which of the following structures serves as the site for protein synthesis O plasma membrane O nucleoid O inclusions ribosomes
The Living World
Which of the following structures serves as the site for protein synthesis O plasma membrane O nucleoid O inclusions ribosomes
Distinguish between convergent evolution and divergent evolution
Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation
Distinguish between convergent evolution and divergent evolution
1 Interpret these data and explain how they relate to natural selection and the definition of evolution 3 points
The Living World
1 Interpret these data and explain how they relate to natural selection and the definition of evolution 3 points
Which of the following is a distinguishing characteristic of a prokaryotic cell O DNA is double stranded O has a cell wall O does not contain a nucleus O contains organelles
Cell: The Unit of Life
Which of the following is a distinguishing characteristic of a prokaryotic cell O DNA is double stranded O has a cell wall O does not contain a nucleus O contains organelles
2 An observer suggested that during drought years all the seeds were large and tough to open This meant that birds exercised their beaks more making the beaks stronger Is this a plausible explanation for these data Explain your answer 3 por
2 An observer suggested that during drought years all the seeds were large and tough to open This meant that birds exercised their beaks more making the beaks stronger Is this a plausible explanation for these data Explain your answer 3 por
True or False All prokaryotes are unicellular True O False
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
True or False All prokaryotes are unicellular True O False
Genetic drift may occur when a small group of individuals colonize a new habitat True O False
Genetic drift may occur when a small group of individuals colonize a new habitat True O False
The fossil record although incomplete provides evidence about the history of life and illustrates that most species have remained unchanged over time O True False 1 p
Ecology - General
The fossil record although incomplete provides evidence about the history of life and illustrates that most species have remained unchanged over time O True False 1 p
According to Lamarck geological forces acting today are the same ones that have been acting in the past O True O False
The Living World
According to Lamarck geological forces acting today are the same ones that have been acting in the past O True O False
Evidence that the surface of a mountain was once under the sea includes the presence of marine fossils on the mountain True False
The Living World
Evidence that the surface of a mountain was once under the sea includes the presence of marine fossils on the mountain True False
In natural selection humans rather than the environment select the variations of traits to be passed to offspring O True O False
Ecology - Ecosystems
In natural selection humans rather than the environment select the variations of traits to be passed to offspring O True O False
In Charles Darwin s time many people thought that Earth and its living things were formed about a few thousand years ago True False
In Charles Darwin s time many people thought that Earth and its living things were formed about a few thousand years ago True False
A lack of mutations that introduce new alleles into a population is one condition of genetic variation O True False 1 po
Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation
A lack of mutations that introduce new alleles into a population is one condition of genetic variation O True False 1 po
An epidemic killed a large proportion of a population of deer in California thereby reducing the gene pool This is an example of directional selection genetic isolation the bottleneck effect all of the above are correct
An epidemic killed a large proportion of a population of deer in California thereby reducing the gene pool This is an example of directional selection genetic isolation the bottleneck effect all of the above are correct
Which of the following does not produce evolutionary change genetic drift gene flow directional selection none of the above
Which of the following does not produce evolutionary change genetic drift gene flow directional selection none of the above
Which of the following ideas was developed by Thomas Malthus Peppered moths living near English industrial cities provide a good example of evolution All above 1 point The diversity of Gal pagos finch species is the result of natural selection Living things often produce far more offspring than are needed to maintain their numbers
Which of the following ideas was developed by Thomas Malthus Peppered moths living near English industrial cities provide a good example of evolution All above 1 point The diversity of Gal pagos finch species is the result of natural selection Living things often produce far more offspring than are needed to maintain their numbers
Darwin s primary contribution to biological theory was the idea that 1 point an important mechanism of biological evolution is natural selection new alleles arise through mutation evolution is the change in gene frequencies over time characteristics acquired during an individual s lifetime can be passed to its offspring
Darwin s primary contribution to biological theory was the idea that 1 point an important mechanism of biological evolution is natural selection new alleles arise through mutation evolution is the change in gene frequencies over time characteristics acquired during an individual s lifetime can be passed to its offspring
The most prevalent form of evolution and the one proposed by Darwin is 1 saltation gradualism macroevolution O punctuated equilibrium
The most prevalent form of evolution and the one proposed by Darwin is 1 saltation gradualism macroevolution O punctuated equilibrium
Individuals that are well adapted to their environment will survive and produce fewer mutations more offspring stronger genes better traits
Individuals that are well adapted to their environment will survive and produce fewer mutations more offspring stronger genes better traits
An example of mimicry would be a butterfly that resembles a leaf Otwo species of frogs one poisonous that resemble one another in coloratio a minnow with spots that look like large eyes a carnivorous fish with a worm like tongue that lures prey
Biotechnology & its Applications
An example of mimicry would be a butterfly that resembles a leaf Otwo species of frogs one poisonous that resemble one another in coloratio a minnow with spots that look like large eyes a carnivorous fish with a worm like tongue that lures prey
Microevolution can be thought of as 26 changes in the frequencies of alleles in a gene pool genes mutating in response to environmental change creating new species where none existed before reacting to changes in the environment
Microevolution can be thought of as 26 changes in the frequencies of alleles in a gene pool genes mutating in response to environmental change creating new species where none existed before reacting to changes in the environment
Gene flow is the exchange of genes during fertilization the movement of genes between species populations the migration of species populations to new areas mating between close relatives
Cell: The Unit of Life
Gene flow is the exchange of genes during fertilization the movement of genes between species populations the migration of species populations to new areas mating between close relatives
Genetic drift is O generational fluctuations in gene frequencies that produce no effect O the effect of mutations as they spread through neighbouring populations O changes due to interbreeding with other species populations random changes in gene frequency in a population
Ecology - General
Genetic drift is O generational fluctuations in gene frequencies that produce no effect O the effect of mutations as they spread through neighbouring populations O changes due to interbreeding with other species populations random changes in gene frequency in a population
The concept of genetic bottlenecks includes which of the following a loss of genetic diversity in descendent populations extensive gene flow sharing of genetic material between two populations O increased ability to resist new diseases
The concept of genetic bottlenecks includes which of the following a loss of genetic diversity in descendent populations extensive gene flow sharing of genetic material between two populations O increased ability to resist new diseases
The example of the peppered moths living near English industrial cities demonstrates that 1 point a change in an environment can result in the evolution of species living there evolution occurs so slowly that it is not possible to determine that it has happened in less than a million years O the environment near these cities has always favored dark colored moths All above
The example of the peppered moths living near English industrial cities demonstrates that 1 point a change in an environment can result in the evolution of species living there evolution occurs so slowly that it is not possible to determine that it has happened in less than a million years O the environment near these cities has always favored dark colored moths All above
Genetic drift is most powerful in O small populations Olarge populations O changing environments
Ecology - General
Genetic drift is most powerful in O small populations Olarge populations O changing environments
Oxygen dissociation curve exit ticket The graph below shows the oxygen dissociation curve at a low CO2 concentration Oxygen saturation 100 50 DO a Outline the main changes in the lungs that occur in patients with emphysema 2 b State a treatment for emphysema 1 I
Human Physiology - Breathing & Exchange of Gases
Oxygen dissociation curve exit ticket The graph below shows the oxygen dissociation curve at a low CO2 concentration Oxygen saturation 100 50 DO a Outline the main changes in the lungs that occur in patients with emphysema 2 b State a treatment for emphysema 1 I
Describe the depositional environment of where this creature might get buried and fossilized
Describe the depositional environment of where this creature might get buried and fossilized
Contrast the probability of these two different tissues being preserved as fossils
Contrast the probability of these two different tissues being preserved as fossils
A paleontologist finds a locality that yields many different kinds of mammal and reptile fossils The absence of insect fossils at a fossil this locality indicates that O Insects didn t live in the environment O Insects lived in the environment but only seasonally O Insects were migratory and weren t present when the fossils got buried O you can t know
A paleontologist finds a locality that yields many different kinds of mammal and reptile fossils The absence of insect fossils at a fossil this locality indicates that O Insects didn t live in the environment O Insects lived in the environment but only seasonally O Insects were migratory and weren t present when the fossils got buried O you can t know
Depositional environment describes O the sorting of sediment O the grain size of sediment O the mass of the sediment O the physical environment at the site of deposition the rounding of sediment
Ecology - Ecosystems
Depositional environment describes O the sorting of sediment O the grain size of sediment O the mass of the sediment O the physical environment at the site of deposition the rounding of sediment
The fossil in the figure below represents a trace fossil Correct this statement and explain why this example is not a trace fossil
The fossil in the figure below represents a trace fossil Correct this statement and explain why this example is not a trace fossil
Replacement describes soft tissue being compressed and blackened minerals precipitating into the pore spaces of tissue the dissolution of organismal tissue and minerals precipitating in their place an impression of a surface onto soft sediment
Ecology - Ecosystems
Replacement describes soft tissue being compressed and blackened minerals precipitating into the pore spaces of tissue the dissolution of organismal tissue and minerals precipitating in their place an impression of a surface onto soft sediment
Which choice describes the steps in the formation of a fossil in the correct order erosion of sediment alteration burial in sediment O burial in sediment alteration erosion of sediment O alteration burial in sediment erosion of sediment
Which choice describes the steps in the formation of a fossil in the correct order erosion of sediment alteration burial in sediment O burial in sediment alteration erosion of sediment O alteration burial in sediment erosion of sediment
Give an example of an advance in biotechnology that you have heard about in the news or read about in this chapter Explain the benefits of the application of biotechnology as well as possible negative effects
Biotechnology & its Applications
Give an example of an advance in biotechnology that you have heard about in the news or read about in this chapter Explain the benefits of the application of biotechnology as well as possible negative effects
day I want to talk about Mating Position in Bombay Night Frogs An Unconventional Approach 1 Our exploration today delves into the Bombay Night Frog Nyctibatrachus humayuni and its unique mating position known as dorsal straddling Unlike typical frog amplexus where the male clasps the female from behind Bombay Night Frogs engage in a peculiar dorsal straddling position with the male perching atop the female II This adaptation is particularly intriguing because it allows for a more efficient transfer of sperm The dorsal straddling position ensures that the male s sperm is directly deposited on the female s cloacal opening enhancing the chances of successful fertilization This unconventional mating adaptation in Bombay Night Frogs adds a captivating layer to our discussions on amphibian reproduction and showcases the diverse strategies employed by different species
Biological Classification
day I want to talk about Mating Position in Bombay Night Frogs An Unconventional Approach 1 Our exploration today delves into the Bombay Night Frog Nyctibatrachus humayuni and its unique mating position known as dorsal straddling Unlike typical frog amplexus where the male clasps the female from behind Bombay Night Frogs engage in a peculiar dorsal straddling position with the male perching atop the female II This adaptation is particularly intriguing because it allows for a more efficient transfer of sperm The dorsal straddling position ensures that the male s sperm is directly deposited on the female s cloacal opening enhancing the chances of successful fertilization This unconventional mating adaptation in Bombay Night Frogs adds a captivating layer to our discussions on amphibian reproduction and showcases the diverse strategies employed by different species
1 Fungi are multicellular but the cells walls are for the most part lacking between cells These series of cells between which cytoplasm may flow freely are called hyphae see The figure below Fungi do not however have what we call vascular tissue tissue that has hollow vessels in it for the transportation of water and nutrients What do you think the advantage of hyphae is for fungi 1 KOLOR dogo Bobbie
Animal Kingdom
1 Fungi are multicellular but the cells walls are for the most part lacking between cells These series of cells between which cytoplasm may flow freely are called hyphae see The figure below Fungi do not however have what we call vascular tissue tissue that has hollow vessels in it for the transportation of water and nutrients What do you think the advantage of hyphae is for fungi 1 KOLOR dogo Bobbie
1 Examine the moss sample which is a bryopsid Also examine the individual mess plant under the binocular scope Sketch it and estimate the length from green to tip to brown base Why do you think we never see 10 foot tall moss knowing what you do about its tissue
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
1 Examine the moss sample which is a bryopsid Also examine the individual mess plant under the binocular scope Sketch it and estimate the length from green to tip to brown base Why do you think we never see 10 foot tall moss knowing what you do about its tissue
1 Is Brown Algae more closely related to Slime Molds or Dinoflagellates
Animal Kingdom
1 Is Brown Algae more closely related to Slime Molds or Dinoflagellates
Are molluscs more closely relate to arthropods or to chordates
Animal Kingdom
Are molluscs more closely relate to arthropods or to chordates
Annelids are most commonly known worms Are Annelids more closely related to Mollusca or to Arthropoda
Ecology - General
Annelids are most commonly known worms Are Annelids more closely related to Mollusca or to Arthropoda
Do Cnidarians display radial or bilateral anatomical symmetry Bilateral means two sides which are mirror images of each other our bodies for example radial is just what it sounds like round like a pie
Animal Kingdom
Do Cnidarians display radial or bilateral anatomical symmetry Bilateral means two sides which are mirror images of each other our bodies for example radial is just what it sounds like round like a pie
These are sponges Sponges when alive are little more than a bunch of similar cells that decided to live close together There are only a few different types of cells in a sponge The body of a sponge is only a few cells thick and lacks any sort of circulatory or digestive system Most sponges form spicules which are little spiky skeletal elements that fit together to form a skeleton that resembles the internal frame of a house What might the advantages of a skeleton be for such an organism
Animal Kingdom
These are sponges Sponges when alive are little more than a bunch of similar cells that decided to live close together There are only a few different types of cells in a sponge The body of a sponge is only a few cells thick and lacks any sort of circulatory or digestive system Most sponges form spicules which are little spiky skeletal elements that fit together to form a skeleton that resembles the internal frame of a house What might the advantages of a skeleton be for such an organism
ermata Echinoderms include sand dollars and sea urchins and sea stars Are Echinoderms more closely related to Chordates or Arthropods
Ecology - General
ermata Echinoderms include sand dollars and sea urchins and sea stars Are Echinoderms more closely related to Chordates or Arthropods
Chordata Chordates have a central nerve cord running down their backs Many also have a backbone surrounding this cord of nerves Name three chordates with which you are familiar other thar the examples
Ecology - General
Chordata Chordates have a central nerve cord running down their backs Many also have a backbone surrounding this cord of nerves Name three chordates with which you are familiar other thar the examples
Arthropoda Arthropods include insects and scorpians and spiders An evolutionary novelty of Arthropods i an exoskeleton i e body armor made of chitin an organic material List two possible uses fo such an adaptation
Ecology - Ecosystems
Arthropoda Arthropods include insects and scorpians and spiders An evolutionary novelty of Arthropods i an exoskeleton i e body armor made of chitin an organic material List two possible uses fo such an adaptation
Tracheophytes no specimen to look at 1 Tracheophytes are plants with vascular tissue tissue with transportation vessels and comprise most of the plants you are familiar with tree grasses flowers We will look at living and fossil specimens in detail later in the course Why do you think tracheophytes are ab to grow large Explain
Ecology - Ecosystems
Tracheophytes no specimen to look at 1 Tracheophytes are plants with vascular tissue tissue with transportation vessels and comprise most of the plants you are familiar with tree grasses flowers We will look at living and fossil specimens in detail later in the course Why do you think tracheophytes are ab to grow large Explain
A population of wrasse fish have several different color variations In generation 1 there were 100 blue wrasse 50 yellow wrasse and 250 green wrasse In generation 2 there were 150 blue wrasse 75 yellow wrasse and 100 green wrasse Which color has th highest Relative Fitness Yellow All colors have the same Relative Fitness Green
Ecology - Environmental Issues
A population of wrasse fish have several different color variations In generation 1 there were 100 blue wrasse 50 yellow wrasse and 250 green wrasse In generation 2 there were 150 blue wrasse 75 yellow wrasse and 100 green wrasse Which color has th highest Relative Fitness Yellow All colors have the same Relative Fitness Green
From an evolutionary perspective how are a common ancestor and a MRCA different Two organisms that share a common ancestor are more closely related to each other that two organisms that share a MRCA If traced back far enough all life on Earth shares a common ancestor But of two organisms share a MRCA they are sister taxa and are clos related to each other Phylogenetic trees are based on shared ancestral traits so there is no distinct difference between a common ancestor and a MRCA O The MRCA shows relatedness between two organisms but is not useful when building a phylogenetic tree
Human Health and Diseases
From an evolutionary perspective how are a common ancestor and a MRCA different Two organisms that share a common ancestor are more closely related to each other that two organisms that share a MRCA If traced back far enough all life on Earth shares a common ancestor But of two organisms share a MRCA they are sister taxa and are clos related to each other Phylogenetic trees are based on shared ancestral traits so there is no distinct difference between a common ancestor and a MRCA O The MRCA shows relatedness between two organisms but is not useful when building a phylogenetic tree
Which of the following traits is a synapomorphic trait of the frog the platypus and the polar bear Great While Shark Salmon Common Frog Platypus Bony skeleton Claws or nails Bony skeleton O Gives birth to live young Fur Polar Bear Fur Claws or nails Live young
The Living World
Which of the following traits is a synapomorphic trait of the frog the platypus and the polar bear Great While Shark Salmon Common Frog Platypus Bony skeleton Claws or nails Bony skeleton O Gives birth to live young Fur Polar Bear Fur Claws or nails Live young