Biology Questions

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Listen Match the terms with the appropriate classes Cestoda Monogenea Trematoda Turbellaria 1 Endoparasitic 2 Free living and commensal 3 Ectoparasitic
Animal Kingdom
Listen Match the terms with the appropriate classes Cestoda Monogenea Trematoda Turbellaria 1 Endoparasitic 2 Free living and commensal 3 Ectoparasitic
Indicat Choose production of egg sex cells mitosis formation of a scar meiosis prokariota cell division Choose osis is responsible for the type of cell division
The Living World
Indicat Choose production of egg sex cells mitosis formation of a scar meiosis prokariota cell division Choose osis is responsible for the type of cell division
The part of the neuron that receives nerve impulses is Select one a node of Ranvier O b dendrite c axon d Nissl body
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
The part of the neuron that receives nerve impulses is Select one a node of Ranvier O b dendrite c axon d Nissl body
Prokaryote Choose Eukaryotes DNA circular usually DNA linear molecules chromosomes with histone proteins DNA squere usually
Prokaryote Choose Eukaryotes DNA circular usually DNA linear molecules chromosomes with histone proteins DNA squere usually
What is the name of the process by which en early embryo attaches to the uterine wall Select one O a gastrulation b ovulation O c implantation d fertilisation
The Living World
What is the name of the process by which en early embryo attaches to the uterine wall Select one O a gastrulation b ovulation O c implantation d fertilisation
Which one of the following things is NOT performed by proteins Select one O a defend against microorganisms b hormonal function c transport of substances O d catalysis e storage of genetic information
Biotechnology & its Applications
Which one of the following things is NOT performed by proteins Select one O a defend against microorganisms b hormonal function c transport of substances O d catalysis e storage of genetic information
Which type of muscles has multinucleated fibers or cells Select one O a oblique muscles b smooth muscles O c skeletal muscles d cardiac muscles
The Living World
Which type of muscles has multinucleated fibers or cells Select one O a oblique muscles b smooth muscles O c skeletal muscles d cardiac muscles
Which structure is NOT a supramolecular complex Select one a ribosome b mitochondrion Oc chromosome O d plasma membrane
Which structure is NOT a supramolecular complex Select one a ribosome b mitochondrion Oc chromosome O d plasma membrane
Prokaryotes Choose Eukaryotes Choose Choose the RNA synthesis inside the nucleus protein synthesis in cytoplasm RNA synthesis in cytoplasm protein synthesis inside the nucleus RNA and protein synthesis coupled in cytoplasm 1
Cell: The Unit of Life
Prokaryotes Choose Eukaryotes Choose Choose the RNA synthesis inside the nucleus protein synthesis in cytoplasm RNA synthesis in cytoplasm protein synthesis inside the nucleus RNA and protein synthesis coupled in cytoplasm 1
Each ovarian folicle in the cortex of the ovary is surrounded and supported by the Select one a muscle tissue b tunica albuginea c connective tissue d cytoskeleton structure
The Living World
Each ovarian folicle in the cortex of the ovary is surrounded and supported by the Select one a muscle tissue b tunica albuginea c connective tissue d cytoskeleton structure
Which of the following proteins is abundant in the extracellular matrix Select one a keratin b tubulin c actin d elastin
The Living World
Which of the following proteins is abundant in the extracellular matrix Select one a keratin b tubulin c actin d elastin
Which of these is not a function of lipids Select one a long term energy storage b hormonal function c catalysis d insulation
Which of these is not a function of lipids Select one a long term energy storage b hormonal function c catalysis d insulation
What is the energy carrier in the ATP molecule Select one a sugar b bond between phosphate and sugar c phosphate bonds d adenine
What is the energy carrier in the ATP molecule Select one a sugar b bond between phosphate and sugar c phosphate bonds d adenine
Production of the cerebrospinal fluid is the function of ependymal cells True False Select one True False
The Living World
Production of the cerebrospinal fluid is the function of ependymal cells True False Select one True False
distinguish beta thalassemia min from alpha thalassemia iron deficiency anemia and hemoglobinopathies is Question 45 Answer Heinz body stain b HbA2 level C serum iron d globin solubility
Human Health and Diseases
distinguish beta thalassemia min from alpha thalassemia iron deficiency anemia and hemoglobinopathies is Question 45 Answer Heinz body stain b HbA2 level C serum iron d globin solubility
about hereditary spherocytosis is true Question 40 Answer a Cells have an increased mean cell hemoglobin concentration MCHC b Membrane loss and red cell trapping occur in the Hepatic microcirculation C Red cell osmotic fragility is decreased d Abnormally shaped cells are produced in the bone marrow
Human Physiology - General
about hereditary spherocytosis is true Question 40 Answer a Cells have an increased mean cell hemoglobin concentration MCHC b Membrane loss and red cell trapping occur in the Hepatic microcirculation C Red cell osmotic fragility is decreased d Abnormally shaped cells are produced in the bone marrow
Question 42 Answer a Renal hormone that regulates marrow red cell production b Hormone produced by the liver that stimulates megakaryopoiesis C Marrow hormone secreted by developing megakaryoblasts d Pituitary hormone that controls
Human Health and Diseases
Question 42 Answer a Renal hormone that regulates marrow red cell production b Hormone produced by the liver that stimulates megakaryopoiesis C Marrow hormone secreted by developing megakaryoblasts d Pituitary hormone that controls
important component of distinguishing science from pseudoscience is being able to distinguish that information is from a credit urce Select all of the following that are considered to be credible sources Peer reviewed academic journals University sponsored website that includes references from peer reviewed journal articles Social media posts that reference blog posts Your college textbook copyright 2019 Social media posts with no reference An academic journal s website featuring its published articles A blog from a website that is recommending that you purchase a product from them An opinion article in a popular newspaper
The Living World
important component of distinguishing science from pseudoscience is being able to distinguish that information is from a credit urce Select all of the following that are considered to be credible sources Peer reviewed academic journals University sponsored website that includes references from peer reviewed journal articles Social media posts that reference blog posts Your college textbook copyright 2019 Social media posts with no reference An academic journal s website featuring its published articles A blog from a website that is recommending that you purchase a product from them An opinion article in a popular newspaper
normal compensating mechanism in which of the following conditions Question 14 Answer a Heavy smoking b Cardiovascular disease C Renal tumors d Pulmonary disease
Human Physiology - General
normal compensating mechanism in which of the following conditions Question 14 Answer a Heavy smoking b Cardiovascular disease C Renal tumors d Pulmonary disease
of nonmegaloblastic than megaloblastic anemia Question 6 Answer a Round macrocytes b Howell Jolly bodies C Oval macrocytes
Human Health and Diseases
of nonmegaloblastic than megaloblastic anemia Question 6 Answer a Round macrocytes b Howell Jolly bodies C Oval macrocytes
with a globin chain mutation that alters hemoglobin Question 3 Answer a oxygen binding b function C stability d solubility
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
with a globin chain mutation that alters hemoglobin Question 3 Answer a oxygen binding b function C stability d solubility
Question 4 Answer a case Impaired release of storage iron because of increased hepcidin levels b Increased erythropoietin response by committed red cell progenitor cells C Damaged bone marrow stem cells d Immune destruction caused by red
Human Physiology - General
Question 4 Answer a case Impaired release of storage iron because of increased hepcidin levels b Increased erythropoietin response by committed red cell progenitor cells C Damaged bone marrow stem cells d Immune destruction caused by red
Paragraph about result explanation trend of Figure 1 and Figure 2 1 2 about gel image Figure 1 1 2 sentences about standard curve Figure 2 2000 bp 1500 bp 1000 bp 700 bp 500 bp 400 bp 300 bp 200 bp 75 bp DNA Ladder GMO GMO Food sample GMO GMO Food sample
Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)
Paragraph about result explanation trend of Figure 1 and Figure 2 1 2 about gel image Figure 1 1 2 sentences about standard curve Figure 2 2000 bp 1500 bp 1000 bp 700 bp 500 bp 400 bp 300 bp 200 bp 75 bp DNA Ladder GMO GMO Food sample GMO GMO Food sample
Predict if the lipid below will give a positive result to the tests below Then indicate the portion or the structure that contributes to the positive result for its corresponding test CH O C CH2 16CH3 CH O C CH2 CH CHCH CH CH CH2 CH3 0 CH CH N CH3 3 CH2 O Test A Liebermann Burchard Test B Test for Phosphate O Yes or No Test D Molisch Test E Kraut s Test Yes or No
Ecology - General
Predict if the lipid below will give a positive result to the tests below Then indicate the portion or the structure that contributes to the positive result for its corresponding test CH O C CH2 16CH3 CH O C CH2 CH CHCH CH CH CH2 CH3 0 CH CH N CH3 3 CH2 O Test A Liebermann Burchard Test B Test for Phosphate O Yes or No Test D Molisch Test E Kraut s Test Yes or No
The Burgess Shale preserves fossil organisms from which type of environment O floodplain O seafloor O beach
The Burgess Shale preserves fossil organisms from which type of environment O floodplain O seafloor O beach
The Cambrian explosion occurred during the early mid Cambrian late Archean late Paleozoic
The Living World
The Cambrian explosion occurred during the early mid Cambrian late Archean late Paleozoic
Which choice best describes the Cambrian explosion oxygenation of the earth s atmosphere diversification of Ediacaran organisms a burst of Metazoan diversity Odiversification of microbial diversity in the Archean
Which choice best describes the Cambrian explosion oxygenation of the earth s atmosphere diversification of Ediacaran organisms a burst of Metazoan diversity Odiversification of microbial diversity in the Archean
The Burgess Shale preserves fossil organisms from which type of environment Oseafloor O floodplain lakebed O beach
Ecology - Ecosystems
The Burgess Shale preserves fossil organisms from which type of environment Oseafloor O floodplain lakebed O beach
The Cambrian explosion resulted in many different metazoan body plans These groups all still have living members True O False
Ecology - Ecosystems
The Cambrian explosion resulted in many different metazoan body plans These groups all still have living members True O False
The Cambrian explosion is best known from the Burgess Shale a fossil locality in O Minnesota USA O Warrawoona Australia O Yucatan Mexico British Columbia
Ecology - General
The Cambrian explosion is best known from the Burgess Shale a fossil locality in O Minnesota USA O Warrawoona Australia O Yucatan Mexico British Columbia
Describe two reasons why the fossils from the Burgess Shale are so well preserved Why isn t this type of preservation common
Animal Kingdom
Describe two reasons why the fossils from the Burgess Shale are so well preserved Why isn t this type of preservation common
S The scientific method II Complete each of the following statements to describe the parts of the scientific method Then place the sentences in the correct order in which the scientific method tends to flow 1 The scientific method begins with a or an Click to select of a natural event 2 Scientists use reasoning to combine observations into a tentative explanation or Click to select 3 Scientists develop a good experimental design that contains both a test group in which the experimental variable is altered and Click to select group in which the experimental variable is not altered a 4 Analysis of the data reveals how the manipulated variable also known as the Click to select variable affects the measured variable the Click to select variable 5 The results of an experiment are called data and must be properly analyzed in order for a Click to select to be reached
The Living World
S The scientific method II Complete each of the following statements to describe the parts of the scientific method Then place the sentences in the correct order in which the scientific method tends to flow 1 The scientific method begins with a or an Click to select of a natural event 2 Scientists use reasoning to combine observations into a tentative explanation or Click to select 3 Scientists develop a good experimental design that contains both a test group in which the experimental variable is altered and Click to select group in which the experimental variable is not altered a 4 Analysis of the data reveals how the manipulated variable also known as the Click to select variable affects the measured variable the Click to select variable 5 The results of an experiment are called data and must be properly analyzed in order for a Click to select to be reached
ces Which one of the four recorded motor unit action potentials MUAPs corresponds to the smallest number of muscle fibers contracting 1 2 Multiple Choice O O 3 4
ces Which one of the four recorded motor unit action potentials MUAPs corresponds to the smallest number of muscle fibers contracting 1 2 Multiple Choice O O 3 4
Where is the black electrode placed in the electromyograph EMG lab Multiple Choice O O O lateral wrist over the bicep medial wrist anterior elbow
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Where is the black electrode placed in the electromyograph EMG lab Multiple Choice O O O lateral wrist over the bicep medial wrist anterior elbow
ces When sodium flows through open voltage gated channels the membrane Multiple Choice O hyperpolarizes repolarizes reaches resting potential
Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination
ces When sodium flows through open voltage gated channels the membrane Multiple Choice O hyperpolarizes repolarizes reaches resting potential
Complete the following paragraph 1 Skeletal muscles are composed of many individual cells or Click to select Click to select 2 The motor neuron and all the myofibers it innervates is referred to as a Click to select sends a nerve impulse to a skeletal muscle fiber the muscle fiber will Click to select 3 The number of motor units activated determines how much Click to select number of motor units activated the Click to select Click to select sensory neuron more motor neuron be stimulated to contract muscle fibers motor unit force greater the force lesser the force relax 4 Each muscle fiber is innervated by a Every time a motor neuron is generated by the muscle The greater the Therefore lifting a heavy object would require motor units than lifting a light object would require
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
Complete the following paragraph 1 Skeletal muscles are composed of many individual cells or Click to select Click to select 2 The motor neuron and all the myofibers it innervates is referred to as a Click to select sends a nerve impulse to a skeletal muscle fiber the muscle fiber will Click to select 3 The number of motor units activated determines how much Click to select number of motor units activated the Click to select Click to select sensory neuron more motor neuron be stimulated to contract muscle fibers motor unit force greater the force lesser the force relax 4 Each muscle fiber is innervated by a Every time a motor neuron is generated by the muscle The greater the Therefore lifting a heavy object would require motor units than lifting a light object would require
ces When measuring force by looking at the blue plot in the EMG lab simulator each square corresponds to Multiple Choice 2 kg 5 kg 10 kg 1 ka
Animal Kingdom
ces When measuring force by looking at the blue plot in the EMG lab simulator each square corresponds to Multiple Choice 2 kg 5 kg 10 kg 1 ka
To make a muscle contract more strongly the nervous system can activate more motor units This process is cal Multiple Choice summation twitch motor unit recruitment incomplete tetanus
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
To make a muscle contract more strongly the nervous system can activate more motor units This process is cal Multiple Choice summation twitch motor unit recruitment incomplete tetanus
While the presence of calcium ions inside the sarcoplasm is necessary for contraction it is not sufficient Once calcium has been released and enables actin myosin crossbridges to form is needed for the muscle contraction Multiple Choice ATP another action potential acetylcholine sodium
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
While the presence of calcium ions inside the sarcoplasm is necessary for contraction it is not sufficient Once calcium has been released and enables actin myosin crossbridges to form is needed for the muscle contraction Multiple Choice ATP another action potential acetylcholine sodium
A motor unit is composed of Multiple Choice several motor neurons and several muscle fibers one motor neuron and one whole muscle one motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers is innervates
The Living World
A motor unit is composed of Multiple Choice several motor neurons and several muscle fibers one motor neuron and one whole muscle one motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers is innervates
Which of the following is are needed for skeletal muscle contraction check all that apply Check All That Apply ATP hydrogen calcium water
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
Which of the following is are needed for skeletal muscle contraction check all that apply Check All That Apply ATP hydrogen calcium water
In an electromyography EMG read out all motor units can look slightly different because Select all that apply Check All That Apply every muscle has a varying number of motor units so they can generate different frequencies each motor unit can generate a different amount of recruitment every muscle has one motor unit so they have slightly different frequencies each motor unit can innervate a different number of muscle fibers
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
In an electromyography EMG read out all motor units can look slightly different because Select all that apply Check All That Apply every muscle has a varying number of motor units so they can generate different frequencies each motor unit can generate a different amount of recruitment every muscle has one motor unit so they have slightly different frequencies each motor unit can innervate a different number of muscle fibers
Which if the following statements are true Select all that apply Check All That Apply Electromyography measures the number of motor units active in a muscle Electromyography measures the frequency of muscle fibers in a muscle Electromyography is a recording of the voltage produced by the skeletal muscle contractions Electromyography is a measurement of all motor units in a muscle
The Living World
Which if the following statements are true Select all that apply Check All That Apply Electromyography measures the number of motor units active in a muscle Electromyography measures the frequency of muscle fibers in a muscle Electromyography is a recording of the voltage produced by the skeletal muscle contractions Electromyography is a measurement of all motor units in a muscle
Different motor units generate the same potentials in an EMG readout True or False True False
The Living World
Different motor units generate the same potentials in an EMG readout True or False True False
Multiple Choice O O lower higher lower less more higher more lower
The Living World
Multiple Choice O O lower higher lower less more higher more lower
Each motor unit action potential MUAP recorded in an EMG signal corresponds to Multiple Choice O O the action potential of each individual muscle fiber innervated by the same motor neuron the sum of all the motor units in a single muscle the sum of the electrical potentials from all the muscle fibers of a motor unit
The Living World
Each motor unit action potential MUAP recorded in an EMG signal corresponds to Multiple Choice O O the action potential of each individual muscle fiber innervated by the same motor neuron the sum of all the motor units in a single muscle the sum of the electrical potentials from all the muscle fibers of a motor unit
Which type of motor units are activated for the longest time during low to moderate level exercise Multiple Choice O O O slow oxidative fast glycolytic fast oxidative
The Living World
Which type of motor units are activated for the longest time during low to moderate level exercise Multiple Choice O O O slow oxidative fast glycolytic fast oxidative
All the fibers in one muscle that a simple motor neuron innervates makes up a n Multiple Choice O motor unit synapse sarcomere nerve junction
The Living World
All the fibers in one muscle that a simple motor neuron innervates makes up a n Multiple Choice O motor unit synapse sarcomere nerve junction
All major metazoan groups that appeared during the Cambrian explosion still have living members O True O False
Animal Kingdom
All major metazoan groups that appeared during the Cambrian explosion still have living members O True O False
Match the eating strategy with the correct description filter feeder predator detritivore Choose eating food particles from the seafloom processing water for particles of food eating another metazoan Choose
Ecology - General
Match the eating strategy with the correct description filter feeder predator detritivore Choose eating food particles from the seafloom processing water for particles of food eating another metazoan Choose