Biology Questions

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What type of receptor sends your brain information about the position of a joint or body part proprioceptors nociceptors thermoreceptors rs
Microbes in Human Welfare
What type of receptor sends your brain information about the position of a joint or body part proprioceptors nociceptors thermoreceptors rs
The posterior root ganglion contains cell bodies of neurons 111 O pseudounipolar motor O multipolar motor multipolar sensory
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
The posterior root ganglion contains cell bodies of neurons 111 O pseudounipolar motor O multipolar motor multipolar sensory
Identify the two structures that contain mechanoreceptors within muscles and tendons that collect proprioception information Golgi tendon organs muscle spindles Pacinian corpuscles extrafusal muscle fibers
Human Physiology - Breathing & Exchange of Gases
Identify the two structures that contain mechanoreceptors within muscles and tendons that collect proprioception information Golgi tendon organs muscle spindles Pacinian corpuscles extrafusal muscle fibers
Which nerve innervates both the quadriceps muscle group and the skin over the patella the tibial nerve the sciatic nerve the femoral nerve
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Which nerve innervates both the quadriceps muscle group and the skin over the patella the tibial nerve the sciatic nerve the femoral nerve
Spinal nerve plexuses are formed out of O anterior roots O anterior rami O posterior roots O posterior rami
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Spinal nerve plexuses are formed out of O anterior roots O anterior rami O posterior roots O posterior rami
Which nerve innervates the diaphragm Othe phrenic nerve O the vagus nerve O the musculocutaneous nerve the sciatic nerve
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Which nerve innervates the diaphragm Othe phrenic nerve O the vagus nerve O the musculocutaneous nerve the sciatic nerve
Which cranial nerve sends fibers through the ethmoid bone OI olfactory OII optic III oculomotor VII facial
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Which cranial nerve sends fibers through the ethmoid bone OI olfactory OII optic III oculomotor VII facial
A network of spinal nerves is a nerve O plexus O triad O system O division
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
A network of spinal nerves is a nerve O plexus O triad O system O division
Which cranial nerve is the longest O II optic OV trigeminal O VII facial vagus
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Which cranial nerve is the longest O II optic OV trigeminal O VII facial vagus
A fascicle of axons is covered by O endoneurium O perineurium
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
A fascicle of axons is covered by O endoneurium O perineurium
19 The image to the below illustrates O interphase O All of the above O Metaphase Cytokinesis n
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
19 The image to the below illustrates O interphase O All of the above O Metaphase Cytokinesis n
Most nerves fall into this category O motor O sensory mixed
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Most nerves fall into this category O motor O sensory mixed
Which division of the peripheral nervous system is also known as the Autonomic Nervous System somatic sensory division O visceral sensory division Osomatic motor division visceral motor division
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Which division of the peripheral nervous system is also known as the Autonomic Nervous System somatic sensory division O visceral sensory division Osomatic motor division visceral motor division
After pyruvate is formed it must either be converted to another molecule to enter the citric acid cycle and ultimately produce ATP by utilizing the electron transport chain or go through alternate pathways to produce NAD Identify the products formed in the pathway of pyruvate and indicate whether NADH H or NAD are produced under aerobic and anaerobic respiration Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets View Available Hint s Acetyl coenzyme A Lactate Alcohol ethanol NADH H produced NAD produced End products NAD NADH H Aerobic Respiration Normal cell Group 1 Group 2 Anaerobic Respiration Exercising Muscle Group 1 Group 2 Yeast Group 1 Group 2 Reset Help
Plant Physiology - Respiration
After pyruvate is formed it must either be converted to another molecule to enter the citric acid cycle and ultimately produce ATP by utilizing the electron transport chain or go through alternate pathways to produce NAD Identify the products formed in the pathway of pyruvate and indicate whether NADH H or NAD are produced under aerobic and anaerobic respiration Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets View Available Hint s Acetyl coenzyme A Lactate Alcohol ethanol NADH H produced NAD produced End products NAD NADH H Aerobic Respiration Normal cell Group 1 Group 2 Anaerobic Respiration Exercising Muscle Group 1 Group 2 Yeast Group 1 Group 2 Reset Help
Identify each of the following reactions as an isomerization phosphorylation or phosphate transfer Drag the appropriate items to their respective bins View Available Hint s Isomerization glucose 6 phosphate fructose 6 phosphate fructose 6 phosphate fructose 1 6 bisphosphate dihydroxyacetone phosphate glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate 1 3 bisphosphoglycerate 3 phosphoglycerate Phosphorylation glucose glucose 6 phosphate phosphoenolpyruvate pyruvate Phosphate transfer Reset
Identify each of the following reactions as an isomerization phosphorylation or phosphate transfer Drag the appropriate items to their respective bins View Available Hint s Isomerization glucose 6 phosphate fructose 6 phosphate fructose 6 phosphate fructose 1 6 bisphosphate dihydroxyacetone phosphate glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate 1 3 bisphosphoglycerate 3 phosphoglycerate Phosphorylation glucose glucose 6 phosphate phosphoenolpyruvate pyruvate Phosphate transfer Reset
Sort the following enzymes according to whether they are used in glycolysis gluconeogenesis or both Drag each item to the appropriate bin View Available Hint s Glycolysis only pyruvate carboxylase pyruvate kinase hexokinase glucose 6 phosphatase triosephosphate isomerase Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis Gluconeogenesis only Reset
Biotechnology & its Applications
Sort the following enzymes according to whether they are used in glycolysis gluconeogenesis or both Drag each item to the appropriate bin View Available Hint s Glycolysis only pyruvate carboxylase pyruvate kinase hexokinase glucose 6 phosphatase triosephosphate isomerase Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis Gluconeogenesis only Reset
What kind of chemical reactions does it involve Ouncatalyzed oxidation Ouncatalyzed hydrolysis enzyme catalyzed hydrolysis enzyme catalyzed oxidation
The Living World
What kind of chemical reactions does it involve Ouncatalyzed oxidation Ouncatalyzed hydrolysis enzyme catalyzed hydrolysis enzyme catalyzed oxidation
Where does digestion occur in the body Check all that apply in the stomach in the dodecadactylon in the small intestine in the liver in the large intestine in the mouth
The Living World
Where does digestion occur in the body Check all that apply in the stomach in the dodecadactylon in the small intestine in the liver in the large intestine in the mouth
For each one of the eukaryotic organelles structures we discussed in class provid description its function and WHY it is important fo the cell 1 Nucleus 2 Ribosomes both free and membrane associated 3 Rough endoplasmic reticulum 4 Smooth endoplasmic reticulum 5 Golgi apparatus 6 Lysosome 7 Peroxisome 8 Transport vesicle 9 Vacuole 10 Mitochondrion 11 Chloroplast 12 Cytoskeleton and each of its parts microtubules actin filaments and intermediate filaments
Cell: The Unit of Life
For each one of the eukaryotic organelles structures we discussed in class provid description its function and WHY it is important fo the cell 1 Nucleus 2 Ribosomes both free and membrane associated 3 Rough endoplasmic reticulum 4 Smooth endoplasmic reticulum 5 Golgi apparatus 6 Lysosome 7 Peroxisome 8 Transport vesicle 9 Vacuole 10 Mitochondrion 11 Chloroplast 12 Cytoskeleton and each of its parts microtubules actin filaments and intermediate filaments
Which molecule would you predict would inhibit phosphoglycerate mutase O phosphoenolpyruvate O Glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate O NAD O Glucose
Human Physiology - Circulatory System
Which molecule would you predict would inhibit phosphoglycerate mutase O phosphoenolpyruvate O Glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate O NAD O Glucose
What effect would you predict an inhibitor of pyruvate kinase would have on hemoglobin Hb O binding A loss of Hb cooperativity an increase in PEP decreases the expression of the alpha Hb gene O No effect glycolysis isn t connected to hemoglobin activity O A negative effect Hb would bind to O2 with less affinity O A positive effect Hb would bind to O with greater affinity
What effect would you predict an inhibitor of pyruvate kinase would have on hemoglobin Hb O binding A loss of Hb cooperativity an increase in PEP decreases the expression of the alpha Hb gene O No effect glycolysis isn t connected to hemoglobin activity O A negative effect Hb would bind to O2 with less affinity O A positive effect Hb would bind to O with greater affinity
19 16pts Write out the chemical names chemical structures major reactants and products and enzymes used during glycolysis as 1 molecule of glucose 6 phosphate is converted to 2 molecules of 2 phosphoglycerate Note you only need to provide the chemical structures of any included in the test preview
Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination
19 16pts Write out the chemical names chemical structures major reactants and products and enzymes used during glycolysis as 1 molecule of glucose 6 phosphate is converted to 2 molecules of 2 phosphoglycerate Note you only need to provide the chemical structures of any included in the test preview
20 7pts What is the limiting reagent during glycolysis under anaerobic conditions Describe the pathway by which this reagent is replenished under anaerobic conditions in yeast Provide the chemical structure s and enzyme name s
Plant Physiology - Photosynthesis
20 7pts What is the limiting reagent during glycolysis under anaerobic conditions Describe the pathway by which this reagent is replenished under anaerobic conditions in yeast Provide the chemical structure s and enzyme name s
As pyruvate is converted to ethanol the following statement is true pyruvate is reduced to ethanol and NAD is oxidized to NADH pyruvate is oxidized to ethanol and NADH is oxidized to NAD O pyruvate is reduced to ethanol and NADH is oxidized to NAD O pyruvate is oxidized to ethanol and NAD is reduced to NADH
Plant Physiology - Photosynthesis
As pyruvate is converted to ethanol the following statement is true pyruvate is reduced to ethanol and NAD is oxidized to NADH pyruvate is oxidized to ethanol and NADH is oxidized to NAD O pyruvate is reduced to ethanol and NADH is oxidized to NAD O pyruvate is oxidized to ethanol and NAD is reduced to NADH
16 6pts Write out the reactants products and enzyme names for the reactions that release free glucose from glycogen
Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination
16 6pts Write out the reactants products and enzyme names for the reactions that release free glucose from glycogen
Which statement is the most true O triose phosphate isomerase is not used during gluconeogenesis in humans lactate lactic acid is formed as part of a reaction to regenerate NAD O An increase in 2 6 fructosebisphosphate would decrease phosphofructokinase activ PEP carboxykinase is an enzyme necessary for glycogenolysis
Plant Physiology - Photosynthesis
Which statement is the most true O triose phosphate isomerase is not used during gluconeogenesis in humans lactate lactic acid is formed as part of a reaction to regenerate NAD O An increase in 2 6 fructosebisphosphate would decrease phosphofructokinase activ PEP carboxykinase is an enzyme necessary for glycogenolysis
Which enzyme below is not a primary component of gluconeogenesis O Pyruvate kinase GAP dehydrogenase Glucose 6 phosphatase
Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination
Which enzyme below is not a primary component of gluconeogenesis O Pyruvate kinase GAP dehydrogenase Glucose 6 phosphatase
Which of the following is not a net reactant or product of glycolysis oxygen O NAD O ATP O ADP
Which of the following is not a net reactant or product of glycolysis oxygen O NAD O ATP O ADP
Which statement is most FALSE O In yeast pyruvate is reduced to ethanol resulting in the conversion of NADH to NAD Glycolysis is an anaerobic process and does not require oxygen O The 6 carbons unit originating from glucose is broken into 2 3 carbon units by the action of triose phosphate isomerase O During glycolysis all ATPs are produced by kinases
Which statement is most FALSE O In yeast pyruvate is reduced to ethanol resulting in the conversion of NADH to NAD Glycolysis is an anaerobic process and does not require oxygen O The 6 carbons unit originating from glucose is broken into 2 3 carbon units by the action of triose phosphate isomerase O During glycolysis all ATPs are produced by kinases
Which type of biomolecule is known for providing cell cell recognition functions glycoproteins proteoglycans peptidoglycans O nucleic acids
Which type of biomolecule is known for providing cell cell recognition functions glycoproteins proteoglycans peptidoglycans O nucleic acids
Which family of enzymes would likely catalyze the reaction shown below HO OH O phosphatase O mutase dehydrogenase carboxylase kinase NAD H O NADH H u EC 1 2 1 67 OH
Human Physiology - Circulatory System
Which family of enzymes would likely catalyze the reaction shown below HO OH O phosphatase O mutase dehydrogenase carboxylase kinase NAD H O NADH H u EC 1 2 1 67 OH
Question 4 The double helical structure of the DNA is antiparallel What does that mean Both strands of the DNA molecule end on the same carbon of the deoxyribose sugar One strand of the DNA molecule ends on the fifth carbon and its complementary strand ends on the third carbon O The nitrogenous base binds to its complementary based by hydrogen bonding for instance A binds to T and C binds to G
Structural Organization in Animals
Question 4 The double helical structure of the DNA is antiparallel What does that mean Both strands of the DNA molecule end on the same carbon of the deoxyribose sugar One strand of the DNA molecule ends on the fifth carbon and its complementary strand ends on the third carbon O The nitrogenous base binds to its complementary based by hydrogen bonding for instance A binds to T and C binds to G
Match each of the following functions with the the graph that best describes the situat a The cost of building a house as a function of its square footage b The height of a rock dropped from a 300 foot building as a function of time c The height of a human as a function of time 1 d The demand for pizza as a function of price e The height of a child on a swing as a function of time m w rz 11 M
The Living World
Match each of the following functions with the the graph that best describes the situat a The cost of building a house as a function of its square footage b The height of a rock dropped from a 300 foot building as a function of time c The height of a human as a function of time 1 d The demand for pizza as a function of price e The height of a child on a swing as a function of time m w rz 11 M
What is the total energy cost associated with the compound below adopting the shown conformation 3 8 kJ mol 11 kJ mol O 14 kJ mol 16 kJ mol 18 kJ mol HCH3 HH H CH3
Human Physiology - Breathing & Exchange of Gases
What is the total energy cost associated with the compound below adopting the shown conformation 3 8 kJ mol 11 kJ mol O 14 kJ mol 16 kJ mol 18 kJ mol HCH3 HH H CH3
son com courseld 12333612 key 13712161221816286609312023 Correctly identify the steps indicated in this diagram for genetic analysis of sorted cell populations Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets Perform multiple displacement amplification MDA and sequencing Extract DNA Isolate fluorescent cells by flow cytometry PCR Assay for specific genes e g 16S rRNA genes metabolic genes etc Sequence genome DNA A B 5 3 C 3 D 5 Label cells by FISH J Phage DNA Primers polymerase 5
Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination
son com courseld 12333612 key 13712161221816286609312023 Correctly identify the steps indicated in this diagram for genetic analysis of sorted cell populations Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets Perform multiple displacement amplification MDA and sequencing Extract DNA Isolate fluorescent cells by flow cytometry PCR Assay for specific genes e g 16S rRNA genes metabolic genes etc Sequence genome DNA A B 5 3 C 3 D 5 Label cells by FISH J Phage DNA Primers polymerase 5
What is the IUPAC name of the following compound A Obicyclo 6 5 4 undecane Obicyclo 4 3 2 nonane O 4 3 2 bicyclononane O 2 3 4 bicycloundecane Obicyclo 4 3 2 undecane
Biological Classification
What is the IUPAC name of the following compound A Obicyclo 6 5 4 undecane Obicyclo 4 3 2 nonane O 4 3 2 bicyclononane O 2 3 4 bicycloundecane Obicyclo 4 3 2 undecane
3 Consider the diagram below that depicts a transcription bubble Which letter s could represent proper transcripts 3 5 W Y X Z 5 m
The Living World
3 Consider the diagram below that depicts a transcription bubble Which letter s could represent proper transcripts 3 5 W Y X Z 5 m
1 For RNA transcription the nontemplate strand reads 5 ACTGGTTCA What will be the sequence of the resulting transcript for this portion 2 The template strand reads 5 TCATTGCAA what will be the sequence of the resulting transcript for this portion
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
1 For RNA transcription the nontemplate strand reads 5 ACTGGTTCA What will be the sequence of the resulting transcript for this portion 2 The template strand reads 5 TCATTGCAA what will be the sequence of the resulting transcript for this portion
17 9pts Carbohydrate chemistry a Draw glucose in its cyclic form b Draw two glucose molecules linked together with the primary linkage foun cellulose
17 9pts Carbohydrate chemistry a Draw glucose in its cyclic form b Draw two glucose molecules linked together with the primary linkage foun cellulose
16 6pts Write out the reactants products and enzyme names for the reactions that release free glucose from glycogen
The Living World
16 6pts Write out the reactants products and enzyme names for the reactions that release free glucose from glycogen
1 Yasmine has made a long term goal to make healthier food choices To help make her nutritional choices easier she is making a menu plan for the entire week in advance How might this thoughtful organization help with her decision making process about food What might happen if she didn t make this plan and she needed to make a last minute decision about what to eat 2 Deven is in fourth grade and keeps hearing about puberty He asks his older brother what is going to happen to him in the next few years How would his older brother most accurately explain to Deven what to expect What will happen during early middle and late adolescence to Deven and his friends of both sexes 3 Sometimes Tamara has difficulty making health related decisions Her friend Margot tells her that she can always ask her for advice What would be the advantages of Tamara seeking advice from Margot What would the disadvantages be What is an example of a scenario when an individual should make their own health related decision What is an example of a scenario of when an individual should ask for advice when making a health related decision 4 When Tyler s mom was pregnant decades ago she continued to smoke cigarettes because her doctor said it was fine After Tyler was born his mom fed him formula because the doctor said this was the best food for babies When Tyler was old enough his mom made sure he got all of his vaccinations Now Tyler s daughter is pregnant How will her health related choices likely differ from Tyler s mom s decisions How will her health related choices possibly be similar to Tyler s mom s decisions 5 Keisha tells her friend I m overweight out of shape and unhappy I can t believe my doctor hasn t done anything to make this better for me How can her friend offer Keisha advice on how she can enhance her own health What are some suggestions to help Keisha take more individual responsibility in improving her personal health
1 Yasmine has made a long term goal to make healthier food choices To help make her nutritional choices easier she is making a menu plan for the entire week in advance How might this thoughtful organization help with her decision making process about food What might happen if she didn t make this plan and she needed to make a last minute decision about what to eat 2 Deven is in fourth grade and keeps hearing about puberty He asks his older brother what is going to happen to him in the next few years How would his older brother most accurately explain to Deven what to expect What will happen during early middle and late adolescence to Deven and his friends of both sexes 3 Sometimes Tamara has difficulty making health related decisions Her friend Margot tells her that she can always ask her for advice What would be the advantages of Tamara seeking advice from Margot What would the disadvantages be What is an example of a scenario when an individual should make their own health related decision What is an example of a scenario of when an individual should ask for advice when making a health related decision 4 When Tyler s mom was pregnant decades ago she continued to smoke cigarettes because her doctor said it was fine After Tyler was born his mom fed him formula because the doctor said this was the best food for babies When Tyler was old enough his mom made sure he got all of his vaccinations Now Tyler s daughter is pregnant How will her health related choices likely differ from Tyler s mom s decisions How will her health related choices possibly be similar to Tyler s mom s decisions 5 Keisha tells her friend I m overweight out of shape and unhappy I can t believe my doctor hasn t done anything to make this better for me How can her friend offer Keisha advice on how she can enhance her own health What are some suggestions to help Keisha take more individual responsibility in improving her personal health
1 How do subcellular components and organelles interact and contribute to the function of the cell a mitochondria b chloroplasts c The ER d vacuoles e lysosomes How do each of those structures enable the cell to be more efficient to perform chemical reactions store materials 2 What are structural features of a cell that allow organisms to capture store and energy a chloroplasts what are the components of a chloroplast and what do each do b mitochondria what are the components of a mitochondria and what do each do
Biological Classification
1 How do subcellular components and organelles interact and contribute to the function of the cell a mitochondria b chloroplasts c The ER d vacuoles e lysosomes How do each of those structures enable the cell to be more efficient to perform chemical reactions store materials 2 What are structural features of a cell that allow organisms to capture store and energy a chloroplasts what are the components of a chloroplast and what do each do b mitochondria what are the components of a mitochondria and what do each do
Which family of enzymes would likely catalyze the reaction shown below HO OH carboxylase mutase O dehydrogenase O phosphatase O kinase NAD H O NADH H EC 1 2 1 67 OH
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Which family of enzymes would likely catalyze the reaction shown below HO OH carboxylase mutase O dehydrogenase O phosphatase O kinase NAD H O NADH H EC 1 2 1 67 OH
1 What are some examples of structural modifications of cells that increase surface area a what would happen to intestinal cells lost the ability to fold 2 How does the surface area to volume ratio affect the rate of heat exchange with the environment 3 How are specialized structures and strategies used by cells and organisms for the efficient exchange of molecules with the environment a describe an example of this process for elephants b describe an example of this process for plants 4 Skill practice What is the answer in the skill practice Also show calculations for how the density ratio was
The Living World
1 What are some examples of structural modifications of cells that increase surface area a what would happen to intestinal cells lost the ability to fold 2 How does the surface area to volume ratio affect the rate of heat exchange with the environment 3 How are specialized structures and strategies used by cells and organisms for the efficient exchange of molecules with the environment a describe an example of this process for elephants b describe an example of this process for plants 4 Skill practice What is the answer in the skill practice Also show calculations for how the density ratio was
Depth m 1 000 2 000 A chemist is studying dissolved gases in the ocean She graphs her data as shown below 3 000 4 4 000 Lessons 0 1 Dissolved Gasses in the Ocean CO 44 0 2 Assessments 3 2015 science kennesaw edu 4 CO 5 46 48 50 52 Concentration ml l Gradebook 6 4 000 8 000 12 000 Email 21 Depth ft Tools Explain the trend shown in dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide versus depth and then predict where organisms that rely on high oxygen concentra
Ecology - Organisms & Population
Depth m 1 000 2 000 A chemist is studying dissolved gases in the ocean She graphs her data as shown below 3 000 4 4 000 Lessons 0 1 Dissolved Gasses in the Ocean CO 44 0 2 Assessments 3 2015 science kennesaw edu 4 CO 5 46 48 50 52 Concentration ml l Gradebook 6 4 000 8 000 12 000 Email 21 Depth ft Tools Explain the trend shown in dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide versus depth and then predict where organisms that rely on high oxygen concentra
Match the term with the appropriate defininition example The form of cell replication that takes place with bacteria This process typically occurs with the formation of rings made of FtsZ protein at the center of bacterial cells A Condensin B GO C Septation D Chromatin E Cancer F Karyotype DNA plus the histones DNA is wrapped around is called and makes up chromosomes G Centromere H Binary Fission Includes 2 SMC proteins for careful DNA looping The primary growth phase of the cell 1 46 J G1 The phase of the cell cycle in which the cytoplasm divides K Aster producing 2 daughter cells L Cytokinesis M Spindle N Tubulin O Cyclins 199 9090909090 How many chromosomes not pairs do human body cells possess An image or array of chromosomes found within a cell is known as this A resting state in the cell cycle The point of constriction on the chromosome that contains repeated DNA sequences The protein that forms microtubules The specialized arrangement of microtubules during mitosis The special proteins that are produced during the early divisions of embryos that help regulate cell cycle This checkpoint ensures that all of the chromosomes are attached to the spindles in preparation for anaphase Unrestrained uncontrolled growth of cells in animal cells
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Match the term with the appropriate defininition example The form of cell replication that takes place with bacteria This process typically occurs with the formation of rings made of FtsZ protein at the center of bacterial cells A Condensin B GO C Septation D Chromatin E Cancer F Karyotype DNA plus the histones DNA is wrapped around is called and makes up chromosomes G Centromere H Binary Fission Includes 2 SMC proteins for careful DNA looping The primary growth phase of the cell 1 46 J G1 The phase of the cell cycle in which the cytoplasm divides K Aster producing 2 daughter cells L Cytokinesis M Spindle N Tubulin O Cyclins 199 9090909090 How many chromosomes not pairs do human body cells possess An image or array of chromosomes found within a cell is known as this A resting state in the cell cycle The point of constriction on the chromosome that contains repeated DNA sequences The protein that forms microtubules The specialized arrangement of microtubules during mitosis The special proteins that are produced during the early divisions of embryos that help regulate cell cycle This checkpoint ensures that all of the chromosomes are attached to the spindles in preparation for anaphase Unrestrained uncontrolled growth of cells in animal cells
Question 1 Place the stages of mitosis in order starting with Interphase Prophase Interphase Telophase Anaphase Metaphase
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Question 1 Place the stages of mitosis in order starting with Interphase Prophase Interphase Telophase Anaphase Metaphase
The leading and the lagging strands of DNA differ in that the leading strand is synthesized at twice the rate of the lagging strand the lagging strand is synthesized continuously whereas the leading strand is synthesized in short fragr that are ultimately stitched together the leading strand is synthesized by adding nucleotides to the 3 end of the growing strand and the lag strand is synthesized by adding nucleotides to the 5 end
The Living World
The leading and the lagging strands of DNA differ in that the leading strand is synthesized at twice the rate of the lagging strand the lagging strand is synthesized continuously whereas the leading strand is synthesized in short fragr that are ultimately stitched together the leading strand is synthesized by adding nucleotides to the 3 end of the growing strand and the lag strand is synthesized by adding nucleotides to the 5 end
Question 17 A mutation in the DNA sequence of a gene that codes for a protein is always harmful to the organism impairing the function of the protein cannot be repaired is a very common occurrence happening in about one out of every 100 nucleotides poto producing cell
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Question 17 A mutation in the DNA sequence of a gene that codes for a protein is always harmful to the organism impairing the function of the protein cannot be repaired is a very common occurrence happening in about one out of every 100 nucleotides poto producing cell
Question 15 Which of the following sequences of DNA was produced using this strand as a template 5 ACAGTCGAGCCTCGT 3 O 3 TGTCAGCTCGGAGCA 5 3 ACGAGGCTCGACTGT 5 3 ACAGTC CICGL 5 0 5 pts
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Question 15 Which of the following sequences of DNA was produced using this strand as a template 5 ACAGTCGAGCCTCGT 3 O 3 TGTCAGCTCGGAGCA 5 3 ACGAGGCTCGACTGT 5 3 ACAGTC CICGL 5 0 5 pts