7 Tips On How to Study for Engineering Classes


7 Tips On How to Study for Engineering Classes

Engineering classes require a lot of studying and attentiveness. In this article we will share some helpful tips to help you ace your next exam.

Pre-Midterm Essentials at NYU


Pre-Midterm Essentials at NYU

In this article, we will break down the best ways to prepare for midterm season, so you can feel fully confident and comfortable in all of your NYU classes. 

10 Tips To Make The Most Of Your Test Prep


10 Tips To Make The Most Of Your Test Prep

Struggling to perform well in your standardized tests? Here are some proven methods for getting the greatest benefit from your prep!

How to improve your GPA?


How to improve your GPA?

College is different from high school because classes are more fast paced and challenging. Read this article to learn about tips to improve your GPA!

Jobs for College Students


Jobs for College Students

Going to college is expensive, especially if you are moving to a different city or country to go to school. To alleviate some of the financial stress, Kunduz has listed a few great jobs that you could find as a college student.

Increase Productivity with the Pomodoro Method!


Increase Productivity with the Pomodoro Method!

Pomodoro Technique is a systematic time management method. Here, we explain how you can apply the Pomodoro Technique more efficiently!

How to Deal with a Lack of Motivation While Studying


How to Deal with a Lack of Motivation While Studying

We all sometimes struggle to find motivation. Here are some steps to overcome a lack of motivation!

How to Help Your Child Choose a Career Path


How to Help Your Child Choose a Career Path

Many wonder how they can help their children find the right career path. We have some tips for you!

The Importance of Establishing a Routine During Finals Week


The Importance of Establishing a Routine During Finals Week

You might have heard about the importance of establishing a routine during the school year. It's equally crucial to have a healthy routine during finals. Read on for more.

Final Exam Stress? Methods to Cope & Finish Strong


Final Exam Stress? Methods to Cope & Finish Strong

This time of the year can be stressful. We have some tips to help you get through it.

Over-connected? 5 Ways to Get Rid of Smartphone Addiction


Over-connected? 5 Ways to Get Rid of Smartphone Addiction

How do we overcome our social media or smartphone addiction? Here are some scientifically proven methods for getting over smartphone and social media addiction!

Tips for Those Who Just Can't Wake Up in the Morning


Tips for Those Who Just Can't Wake Up in the Morning

Are you having trouble waking up early? Here are some tips to help you wake up in the morning easily!