Transpiration in plants | Definition, Types, Stomatal Movements, Factors affecting, Advantages
Transpiration is an important part of plant transport and is one of the most important topic for NEET. Let us do a quick revision of this topic.

Radius of Gyration- Derivation and Formula
A small way to remember radius of gyration is that, take its moment of inertia, divide it by its mass and take square root. Read full article to know concept in a very interesting way.

Vector Algebra Class 12
Vector algebra deals with vectors, things that have both magnitude and direction. Read here more about the basic concepts of vectors.

Oscillatory Motion- Definition, Examples, Explanation
To and fro motion of an object from its mean/equilibrium position is called as oscillatory motion. Read here various examples of oscillatory motion.

Determinants Class 12
Determinants are used in linear algebra and calculus. Calculating the determinants of square matrices of order less than 3 is easier. Let us discuss the ways of calculating them.

Sarrus Rule for Calculating Determinants of Matrices of Order 3
This blog contains how the Sarrus rule can be used to find out the determinant of any matrix of order 3 within seconds.

Periodic Motion and Non Periodic Motion- Definitions, Formulae
When a body repeats its motion at fixed interval of time, it is said to have periodic motion. Read about periodic and non periodic motions here in detail.

Axioms of Probability and Solved Problems
This blog contains the rules of probability, which are a must to know to solve problems of probability. It also has solved problems on the topics discussed.

Mean, Median and Mode of grouped data - Discrete
Learn to calculate mean, median and mode of discrete grouped data. Take a look at the solved problems for better understanding of the concept.

Mean, Median, Mode-Introduction
In this blog, we are going to find out what mean, median and mode of data represent and how they are useful.

Gauss Law in Electrostatics- Theorem, Formula, Applications
Gauss Law is like a shortcut to calculate flux from a closed surface. It has some limitations. By using certain logics we can overcome the limitations.