Taxonomic Categories & Tools of Taxonomy
Taxonomic categories and tools for study of taxonomy is a very important topic from examination point of view. For this, you landed on right page. Study below carefully and do not forget to test yourself.

Taxonomy and Systematics | Definition, Nomenclature, Uses
This blog gives you complete information about taxonomy and systematics in very easy language. Read it till end and do not forget to test your knowledge.

Diversity In The Living World & The Need For Classification
This blog by Kunduz teaches you diversity in the living world and need for classification in such a way that is best suit for any kind of examination. Read it till end and then test yourself with the quiz given at the end.

JEE Mains 2020 Chapter Wise Weightage
It is important to know importance of each chapter before start studying. This blog provides you JEE Mains 2020 chapter wise weightage.

Private Tutoring at Kunduz - Your Private Tutor
Private Tutoring is effective in improving student’s academic grades and practical knowledge of different subjects. Here at Kunduz we start 1 to 1 private tutoring.

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
To score high you need not study much but study accurate content. In this blog, you have very precise and accurate notes of chemical bonding and molecular structure. This can be used for fresh study as well as for revision purpose.

Important Name Reactions in Organic Chemistry
Name reactions in organic chemistry are very crucial from exam point of view. They are directly asked in exams for good amount of marks.

Chemical Kinetics Practice Problems - with answers
Here you have 20 very important questions on chemical kinetics, which are good for practice as well as for revision. All the types of questions as covered.

Oxoacids Of Phosphorus -Preparation, Properties
This blog covers oxoacids of phosphorus with their molecular formula, method of preparation, reactions and properties.

Current Electricity - Current, EMF, Ohm's Law, Resistance
This blog is about current electricity. It covers resistance, temperature dependence of resistance, EMF, Ohm's Law and internal resistance.

Capacitor and Capacitance - Types, Formulae, Combination
This blog contains capacitors (parallel plate, spherical, cylindrical capacitors) and their capacitance formulae. Further, it covers series and parallel combination of capacitors. Also, it tells you what happens when two charged conductors are connected by conducting wire.

NEET 2020 Question Paper with Solutions PDF
NEET 2020 question paper with solutions pdf from best tutors at Kunduz are given in the table below. Kunduz - Ready to help.