2. The following statement appears in a U.S. government
Last updated: 7/26/2022

2. The following statement appears in a U.S. government publication. Note: GE stands for genetically engineered (another term for genetically modified). In addition to farmers, seed suppliers, and technology providers, consumers also benefit from the adoption of GE crops in the United States. Biotechnology developers and seed firms benefit by charging technology fees and seed premiums [higher prices] to adopters of GE varieties. U.S. and foreign consumers may benefit indirectly from GE crops through lower commodity [a physi- cal substance such as food] prices that result from increased supplies. A. Does this statement give an argument in favor of genetically engineered food sources or an argument opposed to genetically engineered food sources? What word does the statement use which tells you? B. From what you have learned about genetically engineered food sources, give another argument that would support the position taken in this statement. C. From what you have learned about genetically engineered food sources, give an argument that would oppose the position taken in this statement.