0 1 g of each of compound A and B both A and B are non
Last updated: 7/3/2023

0 1 g of each of compound A and B both A and B are non dissociative and non volatile but at the boiling point A dissociates into 2C 40 degree of dissociation and B dissociates into 2D 60 dissociation solute dissolved in 100 g of solvent The increase in boiling point is found to be 0 11 K and depression in freezing point is found to be 0 3 C If Kf and Kb of the given solvent is 2 K molal and 0 5 K molal respectively identify the correct statement s Molar mass of B Molar mass of A Molar mass of B Molar mass of A 2 3 Relative lowering in vapour pressure at the boiling point is 0 35 if molar mass of solvent is 20 g mol and 10 g of each A and B is taken in 100 g solution Relative lowering in vapour pressure at the boiling point is 0 35 if molar mass of solvent is 30 g mol and 10 g of each A and B is taken in 100 g