0 Number of plants 30 25 20 5 0 a Wt An b VF Treatments NS
Last updated: 10/3/2023

0 Number of plants 30 25 20 5 0 a Wt An b VF Treatments NS Legend All plants were exposed to heat stress Wt wild type plants that have the normal fungal symbiont and the fungus has the normal viral infection An plants that originally did not have the fungal symbiont with the normal viral infection but it was added at the start of the experiment VF virus free plants in which the viral symbiont were removed from the fungus NS nonsymbiotic plants that had the fungal symbiont removed Chlorotic a condition in plants in which leaves produce insufficient chlorophyll NS Dead Chlorotic Healthy This graphic summarizes the results of a study looking at the role of a virus in the ability of the fungus Curvularia protuberata to confer heat tolerance in panic grass This virus normally infects C protuberata Which of the following statements best summarizes the results of this experiment O Plants that have C protuberata removed have greater heat tolerance than those that retain the fungus The presence of the virus reduces the fungus ability to confer heat tolerance on the plants The ability of the fungus to confer heat tolerance on the plants relies on a viral symbiont