1 3 flux flux time time 2 4 10 V 292 wwwww flux flux 302
Last updated: 6/14/2023

1 3 flux flux time time 2 4 10 V 292 wwwww flux flux 302 time B time In the circuit shown in the figure the magnitude of potential difference between point A and Eis 42 4 V 3 191 An imaginary cube of edge length is shown in th figure A uniformly charged rod having linear charg density 2 and length L moves towards left wi constant speed v At time 0 the left end ju touches the centre of face of the cube D Choose the correct graph which represents the flu of the electric field through the cube as rod goe through it ww 332 www 352 wwww 352 www v constant 302 10 V 65 E