1 Consider the following dump of the assembler code for the
Last updated: 8/15/2023

1 Consider the following dump of the assembler code for the function getbuf 0x601748 0 push rax 0x60174c 4 sub 0x40 rsp 0x60174f 7 0x601754 12 mov rsp rdi callq add 0x601759 17 Ox60175d 21 pop 0x60175f 23 retq 0x40198a Gets 0x40 rsp rax Gets is similar to the standard library function gets it reads a string from standard input terminated by n or EOF and stores it along with the terminator at the specified destination Function Gets and gets is unable to determine whether the destination buffers are large enough to store the read string Suppose a malicious function is stored at memory address Ox500142 What input should an attacker provide to getbuf to run the malicious function after returning from getbuf