1 Define Marked Departure 1 mark 2 How many days is a stunt
Last updated: 11/14/2023

1 Define Marked Departure 1 mark 2 How many days is a stunt driver licence suspension Ref How long is the impound for a motor vehicle for Stunt Driving Ref Who is responsible for payment after the motor vehicle is released from the impound Ref 3 marks 3 Is a cyclist a vehicle as defined by the H T A 1 mark Can a cyclist be charged with riding through a stop sign Ref Yes it is What is the difference between the definitions of a motor vehicle in the Highway Traffic Act and vehicle in the Highway Traffic Act 1 marks Ref 5 Why is the difference question 4 important 1 marks Ref 4 6 Site the General stopping authority under the H T A 1 marks Ref 7 Site the Spot Check authority for R I D E under the H T A 1 marks Ref 8 Site the authority under the H T A to have a vehicle examined 1 marks Ref