1 Ecosystems consist of both 2 Which of the following are
Last updated: 5/17/2023

1 Ecosystems consist of both 2 Which of the following are abiotic factors Which of the following are biotic factors A Water B Grass D Oxygen 3 What are the 2 abiotic factors most important in characterizing a biomne 4 Which of the following correctly demonstrates the flow of energy in a food chain A Primary consumer secondary consumer tertiary consumer producer B Producer primary consumer secondary consumer tertiary consumer C Tertiary consumer secondary consumer primary consumer producer 5 Ecosystems are made of food which are interconnected food 6 100 of the energy that comes into an ecosystem comes in at the level of the energy from the sun to make its own food by photosynthesis 7 Energy in an ecosystem is lost at a rate of per trophic level B 25 C 50 A 10 9 living C Ants D 75 8 At which trophic level would you find the least of organisms A Producer B Tertiary Consumer C Secondary Consumer E Sand E 90 nonliving factors 13 All mice living together in one area is considered a together in the same area is called a F Caterpillars biomes I work at all trophic levels because death occurs at every trophic level which gets its 10 What are defining factors of a biome 11 Deserts savannas taigas are all examples of Marine oceans lakes ponds and estuaries are all examples of biomes 12 Of the 2 types of biomes you answered in question 10 above which type covers more than 75 of the earth while all mice and all hawks living