1 Flowers are borne on stalks or pedicels in the axils of
Last updated: 3/5/2023

1 Flowers are borne on stalks or pedicels in the axils of modified leaves called bracts As mentioned previously flowers may occur singly or in a cluster Examine at least one of the flowering shoots provided and determine the floral arrangement Write the answer in 7 2 Using a pair of forceps remove the outer green sepals of a single flower Record the number 3 Remove and record the number of petals If more than 12 put numerous 4 Remove and record the number of stamens 5 The structure remaining is the pistil 6 Use a sharp scalpel to cut a horizontal slice from the ovary Place this on a slide and observe the cut surface with the stereomicroscope Observe the ovules Record the number of compartments or carpels in the ovary 7 Take another of the same flower Hold it upside down between the first finger and thumb Carefully cut it with a scalpel into two halves along the plane of symmetry Try to cut in a plane that creates mirror images of the two halves Flower arrangement Number of sepals fused or free Number of petals fused or free Number of stamens Number of carpels Symmetry of flower Complete or incomplete Perfect or imperfect Monocot or dicot