1 From Chapter 1 material describe at least three criteria
Last updated: 2/12/2023

1 From Chapter 1 material describe at least three criteria for a valid scientific research design AND indicate which of the major biological theories covered in the Chapter 1 material is most relevant in this case 4 pts 2 Find an article online regarding controversies surrounding vaccines either for or against and summarize the use of valid scientific evidence You must cite this article see citation guide below so that fellow students or I can view it The article may cite other sources which you should briefly visit to determine whether the citation s is scientifically valid Do they use other techniques besides scientific evidence such as emotional persuasion 5 pts 3 What is herd immunity Whom does it protect Should vaccines be required for healthy people who interact in public spaces e g schools because of herd immunity 3 pts 4 What is your position on the controversy When providing your position on this controversy keep in mind and discuss the proper role of science pp 17 18 in these types of dilemmas However keep in mind that there are other non scientific considerations e g how much should society prioritize individual rights 4 pts 5 Comment on two posts that have been made by your classmates Remember that your comments must be meaningful and respectful You can