1 Imagine that the figures on the next pages are cliff faces
Last updated: 1/24/2024

1 Imagine that the figures on the next pages are cliff faces showing a cross section of a series of rock formations Compile a list of the sequence of geologic events starting with the oldest and justify your placement of the event by one of the relative dating principles Include in the table a description of eac event e g deposition of a sedimentary layer and relative dating principle used to place the event in your sequence e g superposition because it lies below all the others Erosional surfaces unconformities are represented by undulating lines Remember from lecture that unconformities represent a hiatus in time I have started you off by listing the first few events in each problem 1 2 3 4 5 6 Shale Sandstone Quartz vein A Conglomerate description of event A Surface of Earth Granite B relative dating principle formation of granite from magma superposition quartz vein cross cutting erosion uniformitarianism B II