1 In human females the development of all potential egg
Last updated: 2/10/2023

1 In human females the development of all potential egg cells is halted during fetal development during which stage of cell division a prophase II b metaphase II c mitosis d prophase I e the S phase of interphase 2 Mendel s experiments with pea plants were done with a species having seven linkage groups If there is one heterzygous gene in each linkage group how many genetically different kinds of pollen could be produced a 7 b 14 c 28 d 49 e 128 3 Some Drosophila that are homozygous for the recessive gene eyeless ey ey have no eyes while others have eyes that are smaller than normal Occasionally one can even find ey ey homozygotes with eyes that appear normal size that is wild type From these observations one can conclude that the eyeless mutation in Drosophila is a recessive epistatic b confused c incompletely dominant d variably expressed e all of the above 4 Refer to the cell division diagram shown at the right the spindle and associated elements have been left off for clarity What stage is the cell in a prophase of mitosis b prophase I of meiosis c telophase of mitosis d prophase II of meiosis e it is a prophase but there is not enough information to tell whether it is mitosis or meiosis 5 Referring again to the species from which this cell has been taken how many linkage groups are