100 zizyloso FOR A 591 Laboratory 5 Are you a hidden
Last updated: 3/16/2023

100 zizyloso FOR A 591 Laboratory 5 Are you a hidden heterozygote A PCR analysis part 2 The sample lane listed as LMW denotes what is known as a Low Molecular Weight marker see Figure 3 This is a commercially available sample set of standard DNA fragments measured in base pairs bp These standards of known size are used to determine the size of your PCR products the DNA fragments you have created by PCR by comparing the position of your bands with the bands of known size 5 Based on the gels above and the image of the LMW marker below extrapolate the size of the Blue and Brown eye colour alleles bp 766 500 350 300 250 200 150 100 75 50 25 Blue eye colour allele size bp Brown eye colour allele size bp Figure 3 Low Molecular Weight DNA Marker New England Biolabs