12 Carrying capacity means The maximum number of people the
Last updated: 10/26/2023

12 Carrying capacity means The maximum number of people the environment can contain without degradation b The ability of a fault to hold stress C Population momentum d Indirect result of exponential growth 13 The earthquake focus is a Where brittle deformation occurs b Another term for the hypocenter C Where epicenter is located above this point on the surface d All the above a 14 Deep focused earthquakes only occur at a Benioff zones at subduction plate boundaries b At powerful intra plate earthquakes Divergent plate boundaries in the ocean C d Thrust faulting in mountain ranges 15 The plate tectonic setting most commonly associated with powerful explosive Plinian a eruptions would be Rift zones with decompressional melting b Subduction zones c Transform plate boundaries as shown in the movie Volcano d None of the above 16 A Ghost Forest is a A bad Halloween movie b A drowned forest from subsidence c A forest destroyed by volcanic eruption as with Mt St Helens d A forest destroyed with major flooding from a hurricane 7 Hydraulic chilling means a People hanging out at a hot springs b Water in soil freezing to ice C Permafrost d Cooling a lava flow with sea water