12 Using the expressions for charge and current for L C
Last updated: 6/27/2023

12 Using the expressions for charge and current for L C oscillator explain L C oscillations 13 Derive expression P Vrms Irms cosd for an A C circuit 14 Using P Vrms Irms cosd discuss the special cases for power consumed in an A C circuit 15 Explain necessity of transformer for power transmission and distribution Solve the following examples 1 Find the necessary inductance if 110 V 10 W ratting bulb is to be used with 220 V A C source having frequency 50 Hz Ans L 6 67 H 2 L 8 1 mH C 12 5 F and R 100 2 are connected in series with A C source of 230V and frequency 500 Hz Calculate voltage across the two ends of resistance Ans 230 V 3 In medium wave broadcast a radio can be tuned in the frequency range 800 kHz to 1200 kHz In L C circuit of this radio effective inductance is 200 H what should be the range of the variable capacitor Ans 88 pF to 198 pF 4 An inductor of 0 5 H and 2002 resistor are connected in series with A C source of 230 V and frequency 50 Hz then calculate 1 Maximum current in the inductor 2 Phase difference between current and voltage and time difference time lag Ans Imax 1 28 A 38 8 and 2 1 ms 73 Alternating Current