13 Oxytocin is hormone of A Adenohypophysis B Adrenal cortex
Last updated: 2/5/2023

13 Oxytocin is hormone of A Adenohypophysis B Adrenal cortex Neurohypophysis D Thyroid gland 5 choose one correct answer thyroid gland A is composed of rounded epithelial structures called thyroid follicles B synthesizethyroxine tetra iodothyronine or T4 and tri iodothyronine T3 C a central lumen is filled with a gelatinous substance called colloid 9 all of them are correct 14 Steroid hormone secreting cells do not store their product in granules is description of A Adenohypophysis Adrenal cortex C Neurohypophysis D Parathyroid gland 16 Two types of cells presented in parathyroid glands are A chief cells and oxyphilic cells B Follicular and parafollicular cells C chromophils and chromophobes D basophils and acidophils