136 Review Sheet 9 2 Using choices from the numbered key to
Last updated: 7/10/2023

136 Review Sheet 9 2 Using choices from the numbered key to the right identify all bones and bone markings provided with various leader lines in the two following photographs A colored dot at the end of a leader line indicates a bone Leader lines without a colored dot indicate bone markings Note that vomer sphenoid bone and zygomatic bone will each be labeled twice Key 1 alvelolar processes 2 carotid canal 3 ethmoid bone perpendicular plate 4 external occipital protuberance 5 foramen lacerum 6 foramen magnum 7 foramen ovale 8 frontal bone 9 glabella 10 incisive fossa 11 inferior nasal concha 12 inferior orbital fissure 13 infraorbital foramen 14 jugular foramen 15 lacrimal bone 16 mandible 17 mandibular fossa 18 mandibular symphysis 19 mastoid process 20 maxilla 21 mental foramen 22 nasal bone 23 occipital bone 24 occipital condyle 25 palatine bone 26 palatine process of maxilla 27 parietal bone 28 sphenoid bone 29 styloid process 30 stylomastoid foramen 31 superior orbital fissure 32 supraorbital foramen 33 temporal bone 34 vomer 35 zygomatic bone