145 150 Deep in murky darkness his miserable End as hell
Last updated: 8/31/2023

145 150 Deep in murky darkness his miserable End as hell opened to receive him Then old and young rejoiced turned back From that happy pilgrimage mounted their hard hooved Horses high spirited stallions and rode them Slowly toward Herot again retelling Beowulf s bravery as they jogged along And over and over they swore that nowhere On earth or under the spreading sky Or between the seas neither south nor north Was there a warrior worthier to rule over men But no one meant Beowulf s praise to belittle Hrothgar their kind and gracious king ANALYZE Re read lines 137 142 Circle the imagery describing the lake Grendel vanished Into How does this imagery help convey the Anglo Saxons idea of hell7 Grade 9 10 Review