18 What statement would BEST describe the war on the Western
Last updated: 12/14/2022

18 What statement would BEST describe the war on the Western Front between the years of 1914 1916 A The Allied Powers gained much needed victories pushing the Germany army back to its original border B The French government sued for a separate peace with the Central Powers forcing Great Britain and Russia to figh C Both sides were unable to win a decisive victory despite the extreme numbers of dead and wounded D The Central Powers were able to capture the capital of France Paris allowing it to send reinforcements to fight Ru Analyze the pictures below to draw a conclusion PORTUGAL Lisbon Madri SPAIN Medit ran www Rocke ITALY Adriatic Sea Bosnia and Herzegovina Serviero MONTENEGRO ROMANIA Bucharest Black SERBIA BULGARIA Sea ALBANIA Constantinople Gallig GREECE Dunderber OTTOMAN EMPINE 13 Based on the map what is the MAIN cause of the start of World War One in 1914 A A system of alliances forced nations to honor their agreements B A fierce competition over colonial territory led the major nations of Europe to declare war on each other