2 3 4 Exercise 1 Gross Anatomy of the Male Reproductive
Last updated: 6/29/2023

2 3 4 Exercise 1 Gross Anatomy of the Male Reproductive System O 1 Using models and charts that may be available in the lab identify the gross anatomical fea tures of the male reproductive system for Fgures 12 2a and b and Figure 12 3 Use the list below as a checklist for the terms epididymis ampulla of ductus deferens membranous urethra external urethral orifice scrotum corpora cavernosa AWN 2 Label structures of the male reproductive system in Figure 12 2 12 13 14 ductus deferens ejaculatory duct 10 spongy urethra testis bulb of penis corpus spongiosum me 5 6 9 root of penis prostatic urethra shaft of penis glans penis prepuce prostate gland seminal vesicle