2 ABCO 3 A C D EFI G H I 3200 2850 3000 2300 2550 2600 2400
Last updated: 10/26/2023

2 ABCO 3 A C D EFI G H I 3200 2850 3000 2300 2550 2600 2400 2300 2700 1800 2150 2000 2700 2450 2400 2600 2700 2300 Carolina North ABC Carolina Central DEF Carolina South GHI New Alignment Carolina West ADG Carolina Central BEH Carolina East CFI Part I Critical Thinking of the activity on the previous page 1 In the previous election how many of the 3 seats did each party win Total Votes Total Votes If the new alignment is used and the voting pattern is similar to the previous election how many of the 3 seats will each party win Based upon this difference which party do you believe is proposing the change Attempt to come up with a situation where a type of gerrymandering might occur