2 The table below shows partial diploid E coli with lac
Last updated: 4/18/2023

2 The table below shows partial diploid E coli with lac operon mutations 15 pts For each mutant indicate whether expression of beta galactosidase is None absent Basal on but low expression High on and activated expression when grown in either lactose only or glucose only media Also indicate the cell s overall growth phenotype lac or lac when grown in lactose only and why you expect that phenotype provide why for ONLY THREE of the mutants Recall that a bacterial cell needs at least one functional copy of lacZ AND lacY expressed at high levels to produce an overall growth phenotype of lac when grown in lactose only media Lac Mutant I P O ZV Why I P O Z Y I P O Z Y CAP binding Expression in lactose only site T WT Expression in glucose only Phenotype in lactose only