3 Water hyacinth 4 Hydrilla 89 3 Mammary alveoli 4 Glandular
Last updated: 7/3/2023

3 Water hyacinth 4 Hydrilla 89 3 Mammary alveoli 4 Glandular cells Which of the following in not associated with the secretion of milk in mammary glands 1 Mammary duct 2 Mammary lobes 90 1 Maturation of sperm 2 Energy utilization for movement 3 Sperm motility 4 Penetration into the ovum 91 1 pyro electricity 2 piezo electricity 3 ferro electricity 4 ferri electricity melding 95 Absence of acrosome will affect which activity in a normal sperm The density of KCl is 1 9893 g cm3 an side unit cell is 6 29082 A as deter diffraction The value of Avogadro s m from these data is 1 6 017 x 1023 2 6 023 x 1023 3 6 03 x 1023 4 6 017 x 1019 The phenomenon in which polar crystals on heating produce electricity is called 92 Test Contact Number 9667591930 1 0 668 gcm 3 2 0 585 gcm Lithium borohydride LiBH4 crystallises in an orthorhombic system with 4 molecules per unit cell The unit cell dimensions are a 6 81 A b 4 43 A c 7 17 A If the molar mass of LIBH4 is 21 76 g mol The density of the crystal is 3 1 23 gcm 3 4 None of these 93 The mass of a unit cell of CsCl corresponds to 1 8Cs and Cr 2 1Cs and 6CI 3 1Cs and 1CI 4 4Cs and Cl 94 Which arrangement of electrons ferromagnetism 1 1111 2 1111 3 Both 1 and 2 4 None of these 96 pH of a 0 1 M mono basic is founc osmotic pressure at given temperature T 1 0 1 RT 2 0 11RT 3 1 1RT 4 0 01RT 97 If an iron rod is dipped in CuSO solutio 1 blue colour of the solution turns red 2 brown layer is deposited on iron rod 3 no change occurs in the colour of the 4 none of the above 98 Passage of three faraday of charge solution of AgNO3 CuSO4 Al NO3 deposit moles of metals at the cathode of