300 mb and 200 mb Maps These maps help forecasters identify
Last updated: 10/12/2023

300 mb and 200 mb Maps These maps help forecasters identify the jet stream Typi cally 300 mb maps are used during the coolest months and 200 mb maps are used during the warmest months because of seasonal variation in the jet stream height Sometimes 300 and 200 mb maps include shading to identify winds above 60 knots In addition the maximum jet stream winds or jet streaks are often identified with contours 11460 11580 11700 11820 11940 12060 12180 11460 HILLO 12180 11460 HALLO 17 What contour interval is used to show heights on the 200 mb map below 18 Shade areas with winds exceeding 60 knots in Figure 9 17 19 Circle the two regions in Figure 9 17 that have the fastest winds 12060 Figure 9 17 A 200 mb map VIEDO 12060 11460 11580 11706 1820 11940 12060