4 After you have signed in to your existing or new account
Last updated: 2/5/2024

4 After you have signed in to your existing or new account go to http scholar google com a In the top left click the menu symbol b Click on settings then library links on the left c In the search box type in California State University Bakersfield and hit the search icon It should add that library to the list Click the box to the left of our school name and then click save Now google scholar will show you which articles you have access to through CSUB d Click on the words Google Scholar at the top left of the screen This should take you back to the main search page if it has not already done so In the search bar type in Evolution of Cooperation e To the right of each search result it will show you these types of text HTML nih gov PDF jstor org Full text at CSUB f You can click on those links as above and it will take you to that site where you have access to the article g Now click on the Full text at CSUB link next to the article entitled The Evolution of Cooperation by Axelrod and Hamilton i What digital library or search engine did CSUB use to provide you with access to this journal article h Click on the link to download the pdf i What is the title of the article ii What is the title of the journal in which this article was published iii What was the year of publication iv What is the volume number do not include the issue number v What is the page range for this article i Go back to the main google scholar page Type kit fox roads in the search bar Now find the article Off highway vehicle road networks and kit fox by Jones et al and click on Full text available Next click on the JSTOR Life Sciences Collection link and download the pdf i What is the full article title ii What is the title of the journal that it was published in write out full name iii What was the year of publication iv What is the volume number don t include the issue number