4 Compare the effect of tourist visitation on the stress
Last updated: 12/14/2022

4 Compare the effect of tourist visitation on the stress response in penguins as shown in Figure 3 a 1 point Which type of penguin tourist undisturbed or neither has a higher baseline corticosterone level time 0 0 min b 1 point Which type of penguin tourist undisturbed or neither has a higher induced corticosterone level time 45 min c 1 point What do the results of this study suggest about the impact of tourism on overall baseline stress levels and ability to respond to stress in Magellanic penguins Circle one A Tourism increases baseline stress levels as well as increasing the overall stress response in penguins that are visited frequently B Tourism does not affect baseline stress levels but increases the overall stress response in penguins that are visited frequently C Tourism does not affect baseline stress levels but decreases the overall stress response in penguins that are visited frequently D Tourism does not affect baseline stress levels and does not impact the ability to respond to stress