4 In an R L C series circuit R 300 Q L 0 400 H and C
Last updated: 6/15/2023

4 In an R L C series circuit R 300 Q L 0 400 H and C operates at the resonance frequency of the circuit the current amplitude is 0 500 A a What is the voltage amplitude of the source b What is the amplitude of the voltage across the resistor across the inductor and across the capacitor c What is the average power supplied by the source d What is the power factor of the circuit if the ac source operates at 1 2 times of the resonance frequency R 300 a XL 4H xc Vr 150 volts b IX S WL V 20x100 2 4 Vc V 20x10 W 1 XL X 1 I 5A 5 x 10 4 X 4 54 4290 994 volts 2 4 1290 994 volts VLC I IR V 5x300 V 150 volts w LC W Vior V 4X 6 104 2 4