4 In the shown circuit involving a resistor of resistance R
Last updated: 6/14/2023

4 In the shown circuit involving a resistor of resistance R 2 capacitor of capacitance C farad and an ideal cell of emf E volts the capacitor is initially uncharged and the key is in position 1 At t 0 second the key is pushed to position 2 for to RC seconds and then key is pushed back to position 1 for to RC seconds This process is repeated again and again Assume the time taken to push key from position P 1 to 2 and vice versa to be negligible 6 K 1 The charge on capacitor at t 2RC second is A CE B CE 1 2 A www R B E 5 The current through the resistance at t 1 5 RC seconds is A 1 1 e R C C CE 2 Then the variation of charge on capacitor with time is best represented by M mor C 3 D CE 1 e D D VER 1 1 m