45 Match each of the following terms with the best
Last updated: 5/14/2023

45 Match each of the following terms with the best definition or description Definitions are used only once not all of the definitions will be used Bacteriocin Coagulase Communicable Diapedesis latrogenic Leukocidins Lipopolysaccharide Neutrophils Prebiotics Pseudomembranous colitis A A chemical made by bacteria that kills other bacteria B A kind of infection caused by a medical procedure C A kind of infection caused by being in a healthcare setting D A virulence factor used by S aureus and Y pestis E Also known as endotoxin F Bacterially produced chemicals that kill white blood cells G Beneficial bacteria that can be taken as a supplement H Caused by C diff 1 Dietary fiber and resistant starches J Leukocytes exiting capillaries K Refers to any disease that can be spread from person to person L Stimulate the efficiency of the adherence step of phagocytosis M The most common white blood cell in the