45 Which of the following organelles contains powerful
Last updated: 2/9/2023

45 Which of the following organelles contains powerful digestive enzymes in a highly acidic environment functions in intracellular digestion A ribosomes B phagosomes C smooth endoplasmic reticulum D peroxisomes E lysosomes 46 such as zine bind to enzymes and induce a change in its shape which activates the active site essential to enzyme function A Protons B Polysaccharides C Phosphates D Cofactors E Nitrogenous bases 47 You have been exercising strenuously for several minutes and the oxygen at the cellular level in the skeletal muscles in your legs is depleted Although glycolysis continues the pyruvic acid is converted into thus regenerating needed to continue glycolysis A acetyl CoA ATP B lactic acid NAD C lactic acid ATP D NADH carbon dioxide E glycogen NAD 48 Most biologists see embryonic stem cells as a possible treatment for diseases that result from the loss of nctional cells as is the case in spinal cord injury This possibility is based on the fact that embryonic stem cells stems cells are A unipotent B multipotent C omnipotent D totipotent 49 When mature adult cells like perhaps those of the bronchial tree of a smoker transform into a different cell type this is best described as A metaplasia B hyperplasia C differentiation D neoplasia E hypertrophu