5 7 m sec mid way between the two directions 4 5 m sec at an
Last updated: 6/28/2023

5 7 m sec mid way between the two directions 4 5 m sec at an angle off tan 4 3 with the directions of intial velocity v J VEIXY 4 The width of the 3 4 Raftan 4 3 5 m s 20m s at an ang VC 168 4 time to cross the 130 A man A is sitting in the rear end of a long compartment of 130 A crusta 1 2 s 2 a train running at constant horizontal velocity tosses a coin to a person B near the front end of the compartment The trajectory of the coin is as seen by B and a person C on the ground will have 1 different vertical ranges but equal horizontal ranges 2 equal horizontal and equal vertical ranges 3 equal vertical ranges but different horizontal ranges 4 different vertical and different horizontal ranges 1 Three ships A Band Care in motion The mati B THE 1 2 3 4 er en B 1 CR Fe TECHE BIGG DIH A 2 3 2 3 4 Data not su A particle is pr Cits horizontal other extremit the triangle